
From what I understand, Elliot didn't carry out the Steel Mountain attack. Somebody else did, which is one of the things I said here. Dramatically speaking, it's not at all clear it makes a difference whether it was an alter who did the deed. Our Hero is horrified at revolution, even a half-assed "revolution" that

It doesn't strike me as that far fetched. First, I'm pretty sure the real grandparents didn't have Skype. Second, they certainly didn't have cells, because they didn't have cell phone service. (The wifi router so the kids' lap top would work was I thought the worst contrivance of all. But finessing real world tech so

Well, the creepy vibes were intense. My initial reaction was to root for the grandparents.

The mother had been in contact with the real grandparents and made arrangements with them. That's why they were talking at the hospital about how much they were looking forward to meeting the grandkids. That talk about the upcoming visit was what inspired the fake grandfather to "give" his darling a happy time with

This didn't make theaters anywhere near here, so I just saw the DVD from Redbox.

Sleep paralysis is the norm. It's why we don't all sleepwalk. Sometimes people realize they're paralyzed in an intermediate sleep state and some have been very frightened by this.

Thanks for the agreement. I'd change my mind about the scorpion not waking Helena up if I could remember being wakened up by any voices I dreamed yelling at me. Or remember waking myself up on command? Maybe if the scorpion had been saying "Don't fall asleep" I wouldn't have thought Helena had actually fallen asleep.

Implausibility weakens action and it can take more than just photographing or CGIing something to make it plausible. Mark's escape, his seeming death and sudden reappearance. OK, if you say so. Also, when the medic shines a light in someone's eyes and says they'll be out an hour, shouldn't they notice the person isn't


Maybe some iZombie heresies would be interesting?

I think they could have gone all the way with Leonard.

But she didn't change her entire life, she stuck with SHIELD, gave it a rest and went back to the field. If she could do that, she could work it through with her husband. I'm afraid the reason you can't respond about the lack of connection to dumping her husband is because there isn't one. The best effort I could come

True love will always save the day. Well, if the show says so.

Liv's world is now so tiny it's hard to understand how she has any stakes in the outside world. Penny ante drama is as compelling as penny ante poker.

Ahhh, the sweet, sweet joy of malice!

Alison and Donny sequences don't push. The actors move at a normal pace, yet the narrative moves faster. Emotions and plot signiificance are communicated clearly without solemnity or underlining. The show gets tighter when they're on. This is unfortunate, since they're supposed to be the comic relief in the tension,

I think in many respects the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is the exact opposite of Penny Dreadful. Moore undermines every single one of his gentlemen, deliberately altering them thematically. Allan Quatermain out of Africa, Nemo as government agent, Hyde as the one who isn't the pedophile, etc. Penny Dreadful may

Eva Green's Vanessa Ives in season one was possessed by the devil (remember the air humping?) which led to her mother's death. She valiantly fought that off and returned to normal. Then in the course of the hunt for Mina, she was possessed temporarily at a seance, then seemingly permanently after embarking on sadistic

I find the League of Assassins such dreary nonsense I skipped this episode. Without Susanna Thompson, maybe not even Stephen Amell may lure me back.

I won a pearl for every valid criticism. Thanks to my monocle I can see what's in front of me.