
If you're trying to warn people away, comparing Bryce Draper to the Jamie Dornan who costarred in The Fall isn't the way to go about it. If he is just as sexy as Dornan's Sheriff in Once Upon a Time, then this movie would have at least this much.

To me, a procedural cop is a show that invests effort into making the investigation seem as realistic as possible, which is to say, takes the procedures seriously…and even finds an interest in how things really work. The Wire took the procedures of wiretaps very seriously, and was interested in them. Every shot in

There seems to be two questions here. First, if Sam was so determined not to have a baby messing up his life, why wasn't he doing something about it? The only answer I can think of is, killing her was indeed what he did about it. I think Annalise tried to push the "Sam wanted an abortion but Lila didn't"

Jupiter Jones does decide to sacrifice her family and herself for the sake of humanity. True, the hero then gets to save them so she doesn't suffer the consequences. But she made the hard choice. Incidentally, she also gets to do some action heroics. Perhaps they're not as noticeable because they are appropriate to a

Phrased as "loveable dork," I see what you're driving at. And I'd agree except that "smart, awkward, enthusiastic over slightly weird things" also describes Barry.

John Watson's marital life has always been difficult for people trying to rationalize Conan Doyle's slapdash approach. But as I recall it has been generally agreed that Watson was married twice, both times to a woman named Mary, and both died. For the show to turn Joan's first loss into a murder takes advantage of

Don't know who Katana is. It does seem likely that knowing that would help make more sense of it.

Some of us are doing taxes now that even the laggards have sent out the W-2s, you know. Which makes it really leap out of the screen that Brick doesn't have to worry about the cops storming into the Glades: He should fear the IRS!

Why? Because Annalise wouldn't have one. And there isn't a scrap of evidence that Lila was ready to dump the virgin PR for motherhood. It's Annalise who insisted that the disagreement was Sam not wanting the baby and Lila wanting the abortion. Her version gives Sam a motive, but other way round gives her a motive.

Even when I'm not as entertained by a particular episode I'm rarely provoked to give a low grade. (Usually not even bothering to grade.) But there were two aspects that were so unpleasant I had to give this episode a D.

Rebecca planting the phone on Wes had to have been on purpose. My guess is Rebecca took the phone to Annalise (to sell as proof for a divorce, probably,) maybe even before Lila Stangard was murdered.

Personally, I'm convinced that Annalise isn't trying to protect Sam but maneuver a way for him to be dead but she Gets Away with Murder. She had her own boy friend and my thinking is that he's the one she's all torn up about, especially when he lied to her about Sam. I think Rebecca is in it with her and the two women

New to AV Club here. I find this format a little confusing, so I'm kind of lost on picking out views in the discussion.