
Mind = blown. And here I was thinking that it was just a hilarious, perfectly absurd tableau, searching for her next victim while listening to 80s nostalgia and eating fruit loops from a bowl right next to a glass of milk (who does that!?! Psychos, that's who!).

Not just that, but literally picking up a single froot loop, and just biting a part of it off! Like, only eating part of the loop at a time! Not sure what the interpretation is there - I thought that it was hilarious.

Mind = blown. And here I was thinking that it was just a hilarious, perfectly absurd tableau, searching for her next victim while listening to 80s nostalgia and eating fruit loops from a bowl right next to a glass of milk (who does that!?! Psychos, that's who!).

Agreed 100%. Part of it being, of course, that there's some uncertainty early on whether or not she's in on it (whereas with the rest of the family there's no doubt, provided you even borderline have some idea of what the movie's about) so that when we finally find out (iirc, the box of pictures, and then "You know I

That was my go-to reference when I lived in Chicago of the oftentimes astoundingly crazy political machinations that would go down. "Yeah, woke up one morning to find out that this airport was closed. Did they let anybody know ahead of time? Nope! They just went out early one morning and bulldozed big Xs in the

I'm later to the conversation, and perhaps no one will see this, but I don't know that I'll ever have a better chance to bring this up:

Well, when I was in grad school my wife and I had sex once where I worked (if you can call grad school working): the Field Museum of Natural History.

Well, bless your heart. Much appreciated, and I hope it wasn't too much trouble on your part.

Fair enough, Cookie, and heaven knows I don't want to cast aspersions at anyone's physiology. But for me I know that it's more than just a matter of the angle (not that doggy style doesn't feel absolutely fantastic to me as well).

It's a kind offer, and I appreciate it, but unless you've got some well-produced caveman-themed porn at your fingertips (so to speak), I'm probably out of luck.

I was about to correct this to "her" (at least most of the time), but then I remembered that in Shakespeare's day all the women's roles were played by men, so this makes sense.

You're very kind, flurblurb, and it is good to know that you and other folks aren't bothered (in fact, downright enjoy!) this sort of thing. And I certainly don't pretend to speak for anyone else, nor think that I can what is good or not good for other folks. I suppose, though, that when it comes down to it I am

Meh, I have trouble thinking that there is any "right amount" of disrespectful and non-egalitarian. But it's definitely not a ludicrous idea that I've sexualized some of my worries - wish I knew how to tell whether or not that was the case.

So…any sense of why this was a turn on? Bodily fluids? Made him look tough? Made him look vulnerable? Most of the other answers here make some kind of sense (mine included) but this one escapes me, and I'm curious.

So at least you've got one thing in common! But seriously, congratulations. I hope you two have a blissfully happy life together.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if mainstream porn isn't (wasn't, really) mostly making movies for an audience that didn't actually exist. I have never seen anyone express a preference for penetration shots longer than like a couple seconds, tops, and heard almost no one claim to prefer fake large breasts to real. And

I'm thinking real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies!

2 is awesome. And for me at least, very much welcome.

Getting naked while I was asleep, and then cuddling up to me with her breasts on my face, waking me up - her way of letting me know that she just might be in the mood to have sex.

I chimed in on a similar comment above/below. If all you're looking for is a situation or an act, porn probably has you covered. But for moods and attitudes and contexts it's strikingly uniform.