
They're not as sexy as I made them sound. But the males will do some fun sperm competition with them - one male will drop his on the ground, and then another male will come along and drop his on top of that one, so any female that picks it up will come into contact with his sperm before the first guy's. And then a

Especially the dudes.

The scientific consensus is that yes, they did it like most large terrestrial animals do, back to front. The biggest obstacle for most would have been the presense of an enormous tail (much bigger than those of similarly-sized mammals) that would have been moved to one side while the male tried to dock from the

Meh - they can't really have erectile disfunction, seeing as how their claspers are reinforced with cartilage. I'm sure that they have other things to be anxious and self-conscious about.

True enough - me and my friends (the Nerds Among Nerds) were carrying torches for dinos long before oversized raptors were just a gleam in Michael Crichton's eye, and I could cite any number of films and books to prove it. But JP did break dinos in a big way.

Part of me kind of wonders why they haven't gone for a cheap but crowd-pleasing dino-sex bit in one of those movies yet. I mean, it's not like it'd lose them that precious PG-13 rating or anything.

There's was an article in Omni magazine back in the 70s or 80s that had multiple paintings of dinosaurs having joyous, enthusiastic sex. Cited it in a report once in high school; my teacher was not amused.

They really don't have two brains - there's an expanded area of the spinal canal near their hips, which may or may not have held an expanded part of the spinal cord (though there are other species alive today that have such an expanded region in the bones, but no corresponding expansion of the spinal cord). But

Basically every scientist is exactly like Denise Richards in that one movie. All the time.

See above/below - nope.

As a biologist, I can testify that this man speaks truth - male sharks and rays generally have two sperm-transfer organs called claspers. Though the two penes aren't so much about accuracy (it's still probably kind of hard to find the female's cloaca with either of the claspers) as it is being able to wrap your body

Absolutely - dolphins and porpoises especially, but also other species. They go at it belly to belly, sometimes lined up chin to chin and tail to tail, sometimes with the male and female oriented nearly at right angles. The mechanics are pretty easy, even for the really big animals, given that they're underwater and

Folks have in the past suggested spermatophores - big aglutinated packets of sperm that the males would drop for females to pick up later. Salamanders will do this, even on land. But I haven't seen any serious suggestions of this for dinos since like the 70s.

Finally, a chance to put my Ph.D. in evolutionary biology to use! It's Tristan_99's time to shine!


That's a fair question. I think I phrased my initial posting poorly. It's not that I feel great in the dream, but after. After I've had one of these dreams, and then I wake up, and realize that I was dreaming about having sex with someone I really couldn't ethically have sex with in real life, I still feel great.

Presumably, one could use all this astrology nonsense to do the same thing as tarot cards. But while I know lots of folks who have the same attitude as I do towards tarot cards, I don't know anyone who's interested in astrology for symbology or insight - it all seems to be straight-up fortune telling (granted, my

Well, to be fair…there's history and culture related to astrology too. But yeah, someone tells you they're into astrology, and you know that there's some conversations you're just not having with that person.

Sure did. I find it to be a font of nearly unlimited wonders; my wife, however, was disappointed that it wasn't more bad than she'd expected (danger of high expectations, I guess), and genuinely worried when the titular cat!?! got hit by a car and they didn't know if he was going to be okay.

I have genuinely wondered if sometimes the purpose of bad dreams is merely to make us feel great when we wake up and realize they're not real.