
I've always been excellent at sleeping late. Even when I was very little - no matter when I went to bed the night before, I could go to 10, 11, 12 no problem, even 1 or 2 with just a little bit of effort. Growing older and finding myself able to rise at 5:30 with little difficulty has been strange but pleasant.

It's weird - I am often into magical/mythical-type stuff. I own a pack of tarot cards (though I do not in any sense believe that they can even borderline be used to tell the future), I like to learn about various pantheons.

Happiness is:
-Knowing that you are married to the one person in the world who appreciates Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time as much as you do and in the same way that you do.
-Coming home on Friday and planning a triple feature incorporating the aforementioned masterpiece as well as early Tom Selleck vehicle Da

Interestingly, I got over my religious hangups pretty easily, but then I developed a new and different set of hangups in college. But I've managed to turn those into a delicious set of turn-ons and fetishes, so I suppose it's all for the best.

"Tears…in my foreskin
Pain in my dick
Caused by youuuuuu…"

Well, dreams are clearly not completely arbitrary - sometimes it's pretty easy to see a connection between what you're dreaming and what's going on in your life. Other times, yeah, best to let it go.

Well, at least you know that Dream Cookie did the right thing.

I mean, I just figured that they had a problem they wanted Dan to answer and decided that they'd double their chances of that happening if they both submitted questions. It's intriguing that they phrased these differently, but I don't think it's any more complicated than that. (Maybe this is what other folks are

*Looks at crumbs on floor*
*Shrugs, leans in…*

Surprisingly, no, though I did once have sex with an Agalloch album on in the background.

*Checks bucket list, sees "French a muppet" on there*

Some of the best sex I've ever had was had to Sisters of Mercy's First and Last and Always. In conformation to the question of this article, the sex started with a makeout session to "Black Planet". Which is maybe a little weird, but I'm not ashamed.

He also plays barely-suppressed contempt exceptionally well. Wasn't until like second or third viewing that I realized just how good he was at showing, through all of the more obvious teasing, just how much Warren absolutely loathed Jonathan and Tucker's brother sometimes.

You meant "worst", right?

Wait, what are you saying?

Wait, how did Winter's Bone getting nominated almost cause them to revert back to 5? What was the problem there? Genuinely curious here.

You might enjoy the 20/20 Awards, which pretty much do exactly that (except they wait for 20 years). Not sure how legit the system is, but it's fun to check out. I at least am completely on board with the general idea.

I think the idea is less that it's sexist and more that it's unnecessary and arbitrary, like if they had categories for "Best Performance by a Left-Handed Actor" and "Best Performance by a Right-Handed Actor". Or maybe the sexism is believed to be implied, as though a separate category was needed because one of the

Okay, got it. I apologize for misunderstanding.

I'm not saying that gender dysphoria is the same thing as AIS. I can't see your original comment (it was deleted), but I think it was something like "Y chromosome = male. No Y chromosome = female. Period" And I was saying that this is not the generally accepted biological definition. Let me know if I've got this