
You keep using "gender" and "sex" interchangeably. All I can do at this point is repeat that they are not the same thing (especially in this context). Apparently you think that there's something wrong with not using them as synonyms. Fine, but any reason why? Just hypothetically, if you did accept that sex and

Well, I don't really have much of a handle on what you mean by "sex' or "gender". So let me answer with what I do have.

Upvoted, by the way, for Annie Hall reference, not for my own quote. Though I am happy to be Marshall McLuhan in this scenario.

I'm a living scientist, and I'm not sure what you're talking about with "if you are born a man, there is a chance you can be a woman". Can you clarify? Honest question.

Other folks have provided some good info here, but it might help for me to say that I am a practicing biologist (with a Ph.D in evolutionary biology) who just got finished teaching about development and sex determination not three hours ago, and…what other people are saying about sex and chromosomes is correct, and

That's a good idea. I still might be worried, like you said, about the ridges themselves breaking through the condom, though.

My wife used to (and still sometimes does) get pretty bad leg cramps when she orgasmed (and the better the orgasm, the worse the cramp, alas). It was because she was contracting her muscles incredibly hard during the event. She learned to intentionally relax her legs, checking in periodically mid-whatever to make

Clearly, your wife has powers beyond those of mere mortals; I am not optimistic about this humble commentariat's ability to properly diagnose an uber-being such as herself.

This is very true (I do a lot of 3D printing for my research) - not only are they about the same grit as sandpaper, but they're also good at losing tiny flakes of the plastic, which is not something that you want in or even on you. That plus the potential toxicity of the plastic would seem to make them a big no-no.

Interesting - I figured you were a fan, given the username and all. I just have it by itself or with crackers, usually in between bites of other things, because while the first bite it heavenly, subsequent bites tend to get a little salty, so it's nice to clear the palate periodically.


I know, right? What's that even supposed to mean? "Next morning"? "After they fucked the next morning"? Is it a joke I'm not getting? What the hell?

Yep, that's a bunch of weird sex news all right. Are you sure it's not just a matter of perception? I mean, I can easily see how a technological device that one can manipulate independent of a body might seem to be a different size than an actual biological structure attached to a human being. Now, if she measured

Sounds a proper English breakfast, like! I'd like to try one one day - sounds delish.

Ditto with the Lebanon bologna.

At first, absolutely. Later on they were also hunted for being crop pests - some of those killed were sold and eaten, but not all. But yeah, millions of people ate passenger pigeons while they were still around.

What, out of curiosity, are your thoughts on sweet brown norwegian goat cheese? I'm a big fan, but I've never found anyone to share my enjoyment.

Holy cow - two people who for once don't live hours and hours away from me! There are literally dozens of us here in Central PA!

"The secret ingredient is blood."
"Eww! I'll just stick to the brain and kidney pie, thank you!"

I have to know - was everyone in your school required to take the Home Ec classes, or was it just…a certain subset of students?