
Someone else brought this up below - out of curiosity (as you can tell from my avatar, I have a personal interest in this matter), do you know what kind of turtle they use? Snapper? Softshell?

Tongue is a really hard sell for people who aren't familiar with it. I personally know that when I was little I just pictured a big huge whole tongue just sitting between two slices of bread, tasting you as you taste it. When I actually steeled myself to order one (at a Jewish deli in NYC, natch) and instead saw

Yeah, I'm thinking it's an archaic way of saying "breaded pheasant" or some such. Bread of pheasant. I'm tempted.

And elsewhere, but, "turtle soup" has meant a lot of different things over time. A lot of the really old menus mean (and sometimes even say) "green turtle soup", made from a sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). That's pretty much all gone - certainly in this country and many others, where catching those turtles is illegal.

I love that pickled herring, and I'm not that old. Developed a taste for it in Chicago.

All birds have gizzards so far as I know (not going to discount the possibility of one or two weirdos out there). As do crocodilians. And chickens certainly do as I've had those.

Better than the alternative…

Right on - lengua tacos are great.

Well, kidneys don't break apart waste products - they just filter them out of your blood and send them on their way. Doesn't matter for the taste, but the physiologist in me had to point that out.

Just chop 'em up with the gizzard and liver and use that, along with some of the neck meat, to make giblet gravy. How is it possible that we've got like over 200 comments here and I'm the first one, outside of a Ulysses passage, to use the word "giblet"?

LIVE frog porridge? Do I even want to know what that is?

Maybe on your body.

I was literally typing this exact same question; fortunately, disqus was asinine and didn't let me post, so I managed to avoid that humiliation. But still, seconded. Serious question.

Probably not that difficult. I mean, they're usually nude. Clothed gopher would be a harder task.

And presumably the visual joke inherent in the logo still comes through.

Sounds like he is very serious when he's fucking, yes. Or at least serious about fucking.

If he's even talking about confidence at all! I mean, the letter-writer said that he felt the sexual shame from "hearing that men are pigs all the time". I doubt that he meant "hearing that men are confident all the time", and I suspect that Dan didn't take it that way either. But as to how he did take it…who knows?

Fair enough. And clearly there's lots of us here who are trying to figure out just what the heck Dan means by that.

That's probably true (does anyone respect pushovers?), but is the opposite of "pushover" really "pig"?

Some restaurants have really uptight policies about that for some reason…