I tried to resist it, held out for a couple hours, in fact, but as a biologist I didn't have the strength to resist…
I tried to resist it, held out for a couple hours, in fact, but as a biologist I didn't have the strength to resist…
Great. So now the only issue is whether or not ogling or gazing (if those aren't the same thing) causes harm. Do you know of any studies on the subject? Does anyone else out there?
Of course, you're welcome!
The A.V. Clu…
Let me ask you this - when you were 16, were you attracted mostly to women who were 24-40? Did you ever expect to be attracted to such women? If not, then what changed, and is it possible that that change would continue?
That's an awfully broad statement - there's lots of Feminists out there with lots of different opinions, and at least some of them are pretty explicit about their non-condemnation or even appreciation of male sexuality. So what's the evidence that Feminists are overwhelmingly condemnatory towards male sexuality?
I'd like to join this conversation. Nothing hostile, nothing confrontational. I just want to understand the ideas being discussed. So the "male gaze" is an idea that was first developed for film criticism, and was later expanded to other visual arts and, eventually, the real world. That seems to be the focus here.…
Okay - thanks folks! Sounds like sexy talk and chats is where it's at!
Counterpoint: No, it isn't.
It was a good day for me when someone called me a "cuck" online, and I realized that I could not care less about the insult. It probably would have bothered me when I was younger, but now? Nothing. Maybe I'm older and wiser, more steady, more confident in myself. Maybe it was the simple fact that, by merely using…
Oh, I think that there's good data showing that folks very often, perhaps more than half the time, are not doing something closely related to their college major. Everyone here is right - you'd be amazed at the things you learned above and beyond the specific subjects you took.
Yeah. At least cuckolding involves sex.
Turtle Genitalia Studies, you say…?
So…are you really doing the advice thing now? Because I have a legitimate query:
First off, thanks to everyone who gave me comics recommendations a few weeks ago - those were really helpful in getting me back into comics. I feel bad for not being able to post again sooner, but I've had a lot going on outside of the AV Club lately. But things should be getting freer and I should be able to, among…
Man, I would love to have seen the look on that candidate's face when they realized that they needed to actually stand up. But you know what? If I'd have been on the hiring committee, I think that it would have made me like them more.
And now I wish that we had the address, so that I could go over there and watch Cookie Monster punch someone in the face. Love you, Cookie.
1. Stevie Nicks
As an academic…yeah, this is not the worst of strategies by a long shot. You do need to be able to talk about yourself some, though, but most folks can do that.
Man, that sure is the truth. But alas, about half an hour later goat curry always has a certain undesired effect on my GI tract…