
Upvoted for, among other things, appreciation of "gothy fashion witchery and chunky crystal jewelry".

I need to point out that Bell, Book, and Candle, besides being an excellent movie all around, and particularly great for Christmas, also features the single best coven in screen history:

"I'm not planetary scientist but I think black people dwarfs are jerks!"

Hmmm…certain metal bands can be very good for this. So as to not make it too gross, I'll state that Carcass' Arbeit Macht Fleisch (from Heartwork) is the only song I know that uses the word "suzerain". There's lots of other medical words that are featured in their songs, probably uniquely, but the contexts are all

Hah - did I read each of those series, at age 10, indoors? Yes. Yes I did.

Me too with the tarot cards. I use them when I need to try and think about things in a new way - sort of a way to force myself to adopt a different perspective, usually when it comes to creative writing. They unambiguously do not tell the future, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong or lying.

Man, I didn't know about that until just now. That's horrifying and sad.

All of the wiccans and pagans that I know (and yes, it's more than one of them), and most of the ones that I see online, are very up front about the fact that their religion is straight up a modern invention. There are dissenters, I know, but I suspect that the majority of modern witches acknowledge the lack of good

Seconded for Sabrina. I am constantly amazed by how much I like that book.

The wizarding world celebrates Yule. Big difference.

Damn it, "mysticore" was already a word.

Why do you even want to compliment someone's looks? Are you only talking about your daughter here? I have no advice with that one, but if it's someone like a co-worker, I'd just say "don't".

Or just mention a downside that has nothing to do with her:

I've said it before on these boards, but I'll say it again - the shear volume of folks who genuinely seem to think that the Trump tape furor is all about him saying "pussy", and otherwise looking at things from completely different vantage points, has been one of the most eye-opening parts of the election for me.

I was thinking something like that, or maybe something like some degree of unselfishness.

It just seems like you're simultaneously criticizing her for both overreacting and underreacting. In some of the posts, you paint this woman as a coward who ought to have yelled at the guy more forcefully, and who would have if she had "learned how to handle it", rather than writing a letter to Dan. But in other

Do we know that she didn't do many of those things that you suggested? Seems to me that we just know that she also wrote to Dan. Perhaps that last was a waste of effort, but perhaps she's appealing to someone who's had a decent track record of getting memes out there (like Santorum or It Gets Better) and who might

I'm right there with you (well, I guess one year behind you, but still, I feel the pain. Grandma).

I've been making the Trump/Wallace comparison for a while now. Although from what I understand, Wallace was smarter and would have done much better in the debates than Trump did.

I see you've played Knifey-Spooney before!