
Man, that Limbaugh thing. I mean, fuck. I'm honestly surprised that it hasn't gotten more play in the media. Maybe Trump's just the more prominent producers of mind-boggling fuckery right now. Or maybe it just means that nobody's paying much attention to Rush any more!

I mean, the worst has to be when it's played to titillate or arouse or amuse, yes? You get a lot of that in exploitation films (no surprise) - rape as a punchline or as gratuitous sex. And yes, it's often gratuitous, which makes the whole thing even more sad.

Right on. I suspect that most folks only know Elvira from beer and football commercials, honestly, but for me she'll always be one of my first tastes of cinematic snark, before MST3K was even a twinkle in Joel Hodgson's eye. Cheers!

Thanks to everyone for all of the great suggestions and for being so welcoming - I've got lots of books to keep me busy now, thanks to you all, but more suggestions are always welcome. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to the conversations soon!

I've read it, but you're right that I loved LEG. Or at least, as you said, the first two volumes - the further away we got from the 19th century the less fun it seemed. So I'm glad that I'm sending out the right kind of vibes for books.

All right, that's another vote for Velvet, so it looks like I'll be giving that one a shot. Prophet looks pretty trippy as well - thanks for the recommendations!

Lord, there's a lot of Army of Darkness books, aren't there? Thanks for the specific recommendation of Furious Road - sounds pretty sweet!

That's reassuring - maybe I'll check out an issue or two. Cheers!

Blab, you say? Well, why not?

Believe me, you've got a receptive audience here - thanks!

Any chance you might share with us those links to the Elvira articles? Because me and Elvira, well…let's just say that, when I learned that my girlfriend (now my wife) adored Elvira just as much as I did growing up, I knew that she was the one for me.

Xe! Ever and always xe! And varieties thereof - I forget who created these, but I always liked the lack of gender specificity, and the "x".

Be honest with me about Scooby Apocalypse - do they deal with it at least partially sincerely, or is it all just irony and camp? Because the poster that they have up at a certain comics store I know looks simultaneously intriguing and off-putting (I mean, I get wanting to transform Shaggy into a mustachioed hipster,

Right on - looks like a good one to start getting into long-term. Thanks!

Jesus, Comixology really knows what I'm after with their description of that title ("GUNS! SEX! SECRET CULTS! AND MONSTERS!"). That's a great suggestion - thanks!

Black Magick looks right up my alley - I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!

The bits that they include with Sabrina look well-done, but I'm just not that into postapocalyptic zombie stories. But heck, if it ends up that Reggie gets his head chewed off at some point, maybe I can give it a shot.

"He knows what's who's coming." ftfy.

Face to face, even, which I'm sure you appreciate, Mr. Dikachu.

Hello friends! I haven’t posted much, perhaps not at all, on the comics articles, having lapsed in reading comics for over a decade and thus gotten quite out of step with what’s going on. But a new comics store has recently opened in my town and I’m starting to try and get back into the world, so I’m wondering if