
Man, "Fuck you Friday" is coming early this week.

I worked with someone in college who honestly believed that there were really objective facts in the world about which of two TV shows was better or which of two people was more attractive.

I cannot upvote this hard enough.

Um, thanks. I wasn't exactly working towards effective prose stylings here, but I have recently been working on my writing, so if you're sincere, thanks for the feedback!

Longer than that. I've been assigning my comparative anatomy students things like this for 10 years, and these kinds of drawings were floating around before then (see http://michaelpaulus.com/se…. It's a great idea but people always take it too far - it's fun to think about what Charlie Brown's skeleton would have

That is a really good idea. I'll let folks here know if I find one that seems appropriate.

So the summer between high school and college this girl called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to a movie with her. We went to the same high school but had never talked much until this one year's end party where we discovered a shared love of certain movies and spent basically the whole night trading quotes with

Hello friends. It's been a weird last couple of weeks for me - in less than a month, I have learned that two colleagues of mine, folks whose work I really respected and who have been helpful throughout my career are, for want of a better word here, sex criminals.

Okay, got it. But again, is there something special about sex work here? I mean, I get the idea that folks would do some kinds of work in a non exploitative economic system - I'm working on carving my own Venus of Monruz right now, and I certainly don't need to do so to make a living. Is the idea that sex work just

Upvoted out of terror. I think you misspelled "over" though.

The gratuitous repetition of the phrase "explore [possessive pronoun] feminine side by wearing female clothes" made me lean towards the latter when I first read the question. Am I alone in this?

I can't contribute much to this conversation, having ridden the Metro only intermittently since 1998. But all this talk about DC rail has gotten me seriously nostalgic - summer of '98 I was doing an internship in DC (good summer to be a DC intern, that!), living in Alexandria, and riding the Metro every day. It was

Huh - it's been a long time since I've ridden on a city bus that didn't have fabric on the seats. Always seemed kind of posh to me, but I just figured that's the way things were nowadays. Guess not.

Can you define any kind of work as non coercive when people are doing it to pay for rent and food? Is there something special about sex work here? Or maybe that's your point and I'm just misunderstanding.

At least the drivers in Boston were more or less predictably aggressive - I could count of folks pulling out to block oncoming traffic just so they could turn left, and plan accordingly. I honestly found the lack of any straight roads, perpendicular intersections, or intuitive signage much more annoying.

I have driven in some towns that for various reasons have reputations for being terrible driving experiences - Boston, New York City, Los Angeles…

And if my memory serves, the reason the Berenstein Bears were let go was because they wanted to change their name to the Berenstain Bears.

Only relative to the rest of EPCOT - it was the last of the pavilions to be added, and I seem to remember it being kind of awkwardly squeezed in between a couple of others. But it was the only thing that wasn't there when I went my first time (mid-80s) but was there when I went in high school (mid-90s), so it always

Gemini, man! It's like, a constellation! Stars…space, you know? I think that's what's going on, though it did take me like half an hour in line to figure it out.

Thanks much, friend! She does have a tendency to do the Halloween cat thing, and it's good to see some specifics on how to avoid that.