
I think I only ever rode the King's Island once - this was when they were really revving up the film/coaster synergy that I came to really dislike. I'm glad it seems to have stopped.

You mean with the futuristic computer font that I hope they never change?

*Can't tell if just another odd permutation on the hoary old 'Dawes' joke, but goes ahead and reads anyway*

LOVE the old sit-and-look, grandparent-slow rides like from EPCOT - Universe of Energy, The Land… And not just ironically either. I get why they've phased those out, but still, something beautiful was lost.

You are my hero!

Oh, they still have the Mantis. It's just in disguise now…

I hope they keep Iron Dragon, too - it's quite nice at night, and a good coaster when you want to ride something but have gotten worn out on the more extreme offerings.

Do you mean:

I remember going to Great America one year for their Halloween nights. And they'd set up the bumper cars such that every time they started off the same music would play - that one godawful nu metal song that's all "Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor!" would start up and get to the exact same

Millennium Force and Maverick are two so totally different things that it seems strange to even compare them. And thus the idea of a Millennium Force sized Maverick is…yeah, intimidating is the right word.

Try Leap the Dips at Lakemont Park, Altoona, PA (that is, if you're okay with Altoona, PA). World's oldest surviving roller coaster, and man, you can see the screws just bouncing out of that one when you ride it (or see the framework sway when you're watching it from outside). It's a great coaster, one all coaster

I love how Cedar Point is just wall-to-wall coasters with all of the stuff that dominates other amusement parks - kiddie rides, midway-style games - crammed off to the side, like they're just one more hypercoaster away from shoving all of the superfluous stuff into the lake.

Huh - the Magnum used to be my wife's favorite coaster, but last time we were there she also said that it was really painful to ride. I didn't notice much of a difference, but maybe the ol' coster's starting to show its age. And that is very sad.

Just pick the one that I'm not on. I've ridden that coaster like a dozen times and I have never once been on the winning coaster.

You're right that Cedar Point really needs to have a big wooden coaster. But that coaster does not need to be the Mean Streak. Shaky and painful and headache-inducing - it's the only ride at my favorite park that I downright loathe.

Mine too (and one of the first, if not the first, modern looping roller coasters)! Even before I was tall enough to ride it, my mom and my uncle would go. One time they got stuck on it, though not at the top of the loop like I pictured in my head at the time.

"…gonna fight for the fatherland!
Little German boy, bein' pushed around…"

I mean, it gave us the Twilight Sparkle defense, after all. I thought they'd never top the Frozen defense, but they did.

I'm usually on these boards too late for my questions to receive much attention (which is fine - people are busy, living in different time zones, etc…). But in case anyone has some advice:

Oglaf is the absolute best - sexy and imaginative and hilarious all at once. And inspiring? Well…yeah. More than once.