That sounds…pretty great, actually. Have you any recommendations where someone might go to get good (good!) examples of such things?
That sounds…pretty great, actually. Have you any recommendations where someone might go to get good (good!) examples of such things?
Before I'd had sex, I never really thought I would be into ejaculating on anyone. It just seemed like ejaculating into someone would be much hotter (not to mention that at the time ejaculating on someone seemed kind of demeaning).
I do drink, so that's a good suggestion. Usually when I drink I just redouble my self-consciousness, so as not to look like an idiot, but it'll probably make it easier to let go if I choose to do so. Thanks!
How can I keep from being too analytical and overly-conscientious during sex? Last night my wife told me that when we're having sex she can often tell that I'm paying really close attention to her responses and expressions and trying to figure out what I should do next, and that this makes things less enjoyable for…
Ah, yes! The well-documented (I think) creep downwards of sizes as well. Your "00"s and "000"s might be for teens, but the argument that I was was that someone figures out that they can make more money selling the same dress as someone else but labeling it as a "4" rather than a "6". And thus sizes and perceptions…
"But I honestly find skirts/dresses paired with biker shorts/leggings
(depending on the weather) more comfortable than pants of any kind"
Here's what I've been able to glean from conversations with my wife and female relatives about this problem that has bugged me since I was like 7 and old enough to think about clothes sizes (yes, maybe I was a weird 7-year-old boy):
Big congratulations on the full-time gig, sailor.
Isn't it "Ack"? Or am I thinking about Cathy again?
You were right not to get that iguana. I worked with them for a few years, and can attest that they are large, irritable lizards that can do some significant damage to you with teeth, claws, or tail. They're hard to take care of well and generally aren't very affectionate. Rabbit is a much better choice.
I'm Daphne!
Oh, I got that. But understanding the joke has never stopped me from wanting to correct some non-essential part of it.
Oh, I totally get the idea that working extra hard to eventually end up in a horrible situation can be soul-crushing. That's probably it - 10 years made a big difference in the job market.
Huh - almost corrected you that the part of celery that we eat is actually the expanded petioles of the leaves, but upon double checking I actually learned about "celeriac" proper, which is totally a root vegetable. Should've known better from the username, but still, it's good to learn!
I know that my experience isn't typical and I don't want to belittle anyone's situation, but I had a great time in grad school. I mean, learning about something that I was fascinated by, taking cool classes, talking with folks who liked the same things I did for the first time - what's not to love? I guess I didn't…
In this ol' world I've found it handy, in many circumstances, to remember: they can all be the worst.
I'm really not a musicals guy, much less a Broadway musicals guy, but my wife likes them and I did end up seeing the original Hedwig at the Jane Street Theater and loving it. Last year my wife and I went to see it on Broadway - my first Broadway show - and I was very surprised how good it still was in that new venue…
That's an interesting possibility, and certainly true. Now I'm wondering - is there anything that's the reverse of that: something a penised person can do for a vaginaed person, but not vice versa?
I have no answers for you, The Bishop. Just solidarity in confusion and disappointment.
A libertarian unicorn!