He went beyond assuming - sounds like he downright asserted that she was asexual. That does not bode well…
He went beyond assuming - sounds like he downright asserted that she was asexual. That does not bode well…
I'll take a bold and courageous stand for tit-fucking. It feels great and I find it incredibly goofy and fun. My wife informs me, and I believe her, that it does absolutely nothing for her physically, so it's more of a sometimes sex act, but I think that that's okay. I certainly do things for her that don't do much…
Well, I'm not tryin' to preach at ya. We all love the dick-faced Pokemon around here.
Thanks for this (and I really was looking for exactly this kind of explanation). And I probably need to quit expecting that adages have an unambiguous reading that literally matches how they're often used - I don't have a problem with idioms, for example. But philosophy by aphorism just really bugs me - see my bits…
"It's never too late" seems to have been a piece of advice that paid off for a lot of people…
I know many folks who phrase that as "I'd rather beg forgiveness than permission" or something similar. I'm not sure if that isn't borderline evil.
You see all sorts on that metro. I was once riding towards the Mall, and this couple got on that were wearing identical shorts, t-shirts, rainbow suspenders, and propeller beanies. The woman sitting next to me deadpanned (with them right there): "I wish I was having that much fun."
To be fair, it's a metaphor that I've never really understood even in it's simpler formulation. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", fine, but what do I do with that advice? Not have good intentions? That's probably not what they mean. Make sure that I'm not just relying on my intentions when figuring…
If that's an acceptable goal of the summer research experience (as opposed to, you know, doing research), then it's probably fine. So long as the person was up front about it - "I'm not saying I know how to do this. I am saying that I'm going to figure it out for myself" - then it's not really faking it 'til you…
As an educator, I really have to agree that it's super easy to misapply. Sometimes the absolute best advice is to come out and say that you have no idea what you're supposed to do or what's going on. Trying to fake it til you make it when you're learning something often leads to pretty terrible results.
Me too (can only sing when I'm doing an accent or imitation). I actually have no idea whatsoever what my normal singing voice should sound like, but that's okay, because I also have no idea whatsoever what my normal speaking voice should sound like.
Neither funny nor engaging
Username/comment synergy!
Aw, rats. Stupid easterly bias (on my part) - I underestimated travel time from Olympia to the big megalopolis and overestimated the desirability of Olympia itself. Should've listened to Hole…
Hey, a fellow academic! What kind of anthropology? Like, physical, or something else (the former is the only one I really know about)? And yeah, I know what you mean - as someone who teaches anatomy, I sometimes nurse a likely unhealthy desire to someday end up as a classroom skeleton.
True enough, Cookie. But he does say he's taking a break from those kinds of letters for a while, so I'm going to hope that that means that he's going to be devoting more space to folks who want to know if it's possible to put a vagina inside of a penis.
Correction - 20 minutes from a sad place (and it is a very sad top of that particular mountain, no question).
There are many situations where I've regretted following the standard, mainstream path regarding social conventions. But having a wedding, easily recognized as such by my and my wife's much more conventional relatives, is not one of them.
You can be two…well, I see that you know.
Oh, everyone knows that handshake. It involves both hands, right?