The problem seems to be lack of sucking, at least for Mr. Viking.
The problem seems to be lack of sucking, at least for Mr. Viking.
I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it.
Okay, now the geography geek in me wants to game this out. Which states' capital cities are fairly far from the state's largest good city? We can take out all of the states whose capital cities are their largest good cities, take out all the states that don't have good cities, think about what counts as "far" for a…
That can actually be a very cool story! Did all of your bones melt away due to the acidity of the water, leaving your undecomposed skin and viscera, along with clothing and certain wooden ornaments, for anthropologists to find several thousand years later?
You've mentioned this before and I've concurred, and you know what, I bet we're not the only ones. So what gives? Is Dan just tired of gaming out the possible risks for folks who want to have sex with, say, filing cabinets? Because I can't imagine that there's a plurality contingent of folks out there begging for…
Older relative takes younger relative to sex shop, expecting younger relative to be scandalized? Somehow that seems like it should be the other way around, if anything.
There's a sex shop maybe 20 minutes from where I live that has a swingset in the back yard.
The latter is just a Mickey. Or a Yakko.
I shouldn't have read on :-(
Username/comment synergy?
Huh - you look shorter on TV.
She's such a boring old biddy!
"I gave menses birth to something the size of a liver."
You say you are lies but your words are so true!
Referred pain can be really weird. If you've got a damaged disc, it could be pushing against the nerve that carries pain signals from your balls to your brain, thus causing you to experience pain without there being any though the balls are fine. And this can happen even if there's no other damage or pressure in…
The fact that breast-reduction surgery exists, in what is generally a fairly pro-large-breasts (to a fault, really) society, suggests that yeah, there can be severe drawbacks.
Or you'll be constantly worrying that maybe you haven't done it right. I think I know how to pick out clothes that fit, but I don't even borderline trust my judgement (and given how fashions change I'm not sure that I can trust anyone else's judgement either).
Yah - there's an entire subgenre of porn that's pretty much exactly that, taken to extremes. Maybe, naturalcyninc, you can wrap that hang-up into a fetish! You wouldn't be the first one to do so…
A lot of attraction is indeed based on shallow things, and having some shallow things that you do or do not find attractive is almost certainly the norm for human beings. But we can also decide the degree to which we want to get over that. I have to admit, I do find myself wondering whether I should work harder to…
♫ I'm your Tiny Slacker, a slacker for money
Won't do a damn thing you want me to do ♫