
Fack spam?

*raises hand* Mrs. Alger! naturalcynic is trying to copy off me!

"Kevin Smith" too, although is that just a subset of "Barbecuing Dad"?

But I mean, Jessica Rabbit did have a face and arms and legs and stuff. 60% breast and 40% butt would just be a bunch of fleshy hemispheres.

First off, I'm not even borderline in a position to make any decisions based on shallow-turn offs. And second, this is maybe a hard one to describe without coming off as an asshole, but…

This was pretty much exactly my experience in high school as well - was attracted to people who my friends thought were borderline repugnant. Or at least said they did - for all I know every single one of them had the hots too but were too scared to say anything. I, like an idiot, did express attraction a couple

Can you, like, draw us out a chart or something for all this? 'Cause I got lost…

Exs - Sure - why not? Makes things easier on the ol' memory-bone.

That's probably good advice, but alas, teenaged boys are some of the least likely people to have either the knowledge or the resources to actually achieve that goal.

I think maybe most folks with cut penises don't expose said penises to the elements with sufficient regularity. I, for example, don't.


They're this Canadian partner skating team who I think has won lots of medals. They are legitimately good and it's fun to watch them skate, but they still make minimal impact on my brain. And thanks for the encouragement - we don't live in a particular populous area but there have got to be people in the general

Thanks to everyone for all of your help and thoughts - this has been really helpful and I appreciate it!

The lack of other people to go with her (my wife has a very hard time making friends and I haven't been very helpful with that, given that we're both very introverted people) definitely contributes a lot to the problem. If she had a group of friends, then I'm sure it wouldn't be so much of an issue (though the

Okay? It's already in the pre-nup that you will. Regularly.

It's not that she's making unreasonable demands of me - more like it's sometimes hard for her to enjoy something unless she thinks that it's the number one thing that I want to do too. And I wish that I could help her get away from that. It's still annoying, but it's pretty good as far as annoying aspects of

Yeah, I mean, "need"? No. "Want"? Maybe…

My wife definitely does not like to continue sex after she's had an orgasm - says it irritates her vagina. I on the other hand am happy to keep going long after I orgasm, but alas, the flesh is sometimes too weak.

Have you been to the Niagara Falls area? Hotbed of international romance. Also waterslides.

So romantic!