You said it, Dik. I used to learn so much from Savage Love - sounding, bloodplay…remember when furries broke on his column, and everyone went nuts? Those were the days…
You said it, Dik. I used to learn so much from Savage Love - sounding, bloodplay…remember when furries broke on his column, and everyone went nuts? Those were the days…
Have you tried marrying them first? Because I hear that once you're married, folks won't want to look in the Forbidden Room. Worked for a friend of mine, once. I think. Haven't heard from him in a while…
I'm afraid that I really don't have any answers for these questions that deal with past experiences with dating. I've only had one relationship in my life, and I'm still on it (together for ~17 years, married for 14). And it's great, which makes me incredibly lucky. But it also makes me pretty useless when it comes…
So…how did it come to pass that this book was chosen for review? Because the list of titles from the same author look like the kind of Paranormal Romance that is usually only sold via Kindle. I'm not judging - I've bought a couple of those myself - but such fiction usually doesn't make it to the AV Club's reviewing…
How old are you? Because it was a delicate cheery blossom of a show, delicate and ephemeral, and unlikely to be celebrated even by afficionados past a year or so.
Did you watch it late at night, coming home after a hard and dispiriting day's work, with some reheated White Castles, bourbon, and aspirin? Because that's when Duckman truly shines.
Well-said! I always felt kind of like Spaceman Spiff watching late-nite TV - just a lone traveler wandering the ether, searching for weirdness.
A flickering television set streaming the American century's strangest offerings into a dark room at 2am, me in a sleeping bag eating hot pockets and drinking Surge - this made me what I am today.
Have you tried watching it lately? Still strangely compelling!
I sought out many of these in the 90s and early 2000s (many via Something Weird!) and though they promised endless tittilation, in actual fact they were as dull as watching flesh-colored paint dry. The ladies were naked, but the movies were glacially paced and didn't even get out into the real world enough to have…
In "whom". Or "what".
Don't tell Dikachu - I hear he's got certain…predilictions.
I should think that a gentlecat of your apparent time frame would prefer the verb to be "spend".
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
"Roger me, Roger"
"Now just you put your name right down there and then the deal
is legal".
"I forget to tell you. I can't write."
"That's all right, there's no ink in the pen."
Excellent points. I'll expand on that, even. Not all animals undergo anything we'd describe as "labor", and of those that do, there's no way that folks have done whatever study would be required to test that on even a rough sampling of animals diversity. I really do find it hard to believe that grey kangaroos (joey…
That's…interesting. What's the source on that panda assertion? Because I'm not sure how you'd assess that.
I'm intrigued. What's the basis for saying that?
Yep. Just give me a ring when you want to know why some organism's fucked up genitalia are the way they are, and I'll do my best (note - Tristan_99 is not a genitalia specialist).