
Not to be too coy, Rocksteady, but I think you already know…

I knew if I waited long enough someone would say what I wanted to say better than I could say it. This is it. Making sure that I'm always making the best use of my time is not the best use of my time!

Upvoted because I like this kind of thing too and I feel bad about it.

Probably quite a lot so far as I know (I work on a group that doesn't have teeth). There are indeed plenty of jaws and teeth (especially teeth - I forget the source, but the story of mammalian evolution as revealsed by fossils has been described as "adult teeth giving birth to slightly modified baby teeth") and since

I don't think anybody knows why menstruation evolved in humans, or in any of the other groups of mammals where it evolved (some bats, some shrews…maybe a few other groups besides primates). The best ideas I've heard have to do with the idea that it might require less energy to shed the uterine lining periodically

Am I wrong, or does that character not literally say "I'll take off all my clothes" while starting off on a burlesque striptease? If that really happened and it wasn't just my six-year-old imagination, I think it just disturbed rather than intrigued me.

That's a really good point - it's not always evolution that drives these trends in anatomy. Sometimes it's just straight-up a change in behavior (though I'm not sure that our incisors didn't always slide past each other while they were working correctly).

The jaw thing is interesting. There's lots of evidence that humans have evolved to retain more juvenile characteristics longer in life (relative to our ancestors). Perhaps as a by-product of something else (extended periods of care and bonding to allow the large social brain to develop, maybe). But the smaller jaws

Can I come over too? Last Christmas I only asked for two things: warm socks, and bourbon, so I think my old man bona fides should be in order.

Except the neanderthal telepathy and shared memories, of course. That's still legit.

Well, without getting too far into it, here's where we start to disagree. I just don't think that the the creation narrative tracks very well with what actually happened. Night and day did not precede sun and moon. Birds did not precede terrestrial animals. Maybe as I biologist I'm unable to look past things that

What's that rule…?

You misspelled "Be"

Liked for liking Fairuza Balk. No shame with the movie, either - I think I first started liking her when I saw Return to Oz in elementary school.

Well, if you're going to be attracted to a cartoon duck, I guess ol' Drake Mallard is definitely the one to go with…

I got the joke! This must be where pie comes to die!

Wednesday Adams

Did it hurt to get your lower ribs removed so you could do that?

Indeed! Folks have tied many aspects of the biblical creation myths to events in human evolution. There's the one that you mentioned, of course, the antipathy between hunters/gatherers and agriculturalists exemplified by Cain and Abel, language diversification, etc… I kind of like the idea that humans just coming

*Dissolve to flashback, funky guitar commences*