
A little from column A…

I loved those books so much when I was a teenager as well. Ayla is the best. And since it's Savage Love here, I can go ahead and express my unabashed affection for the second book in the series, The Valley of the Horses. Six hundred pages of solitary adventures and descriptions of Pleistocene flora and megafauna,

Hi there. IRL I'm an evolutionary biologist, and though this isn't my area of specialty, I can provide some help with what I do know. First, there's no large-scale problem with having sperm survive at human internal body temperature or higher. Most vertebrates outside of mammals don't have external testes,

Yeah - that struck me as really odd too. How old, I wonder without prejudice, is the author of this piece? Because I was pretty young when the 80s ended, and even then I was starting to recognize that most of what the old jellybean man in the brown suits on TV was saying was …less than substantive.

Who have apparently never heard of numbers. This is not a new problem, Zipcar! No need to reinvent the wheel!


His olfactory organs are…somewhere else.

The fact that "free play" had to be invented as a term says…something.

Preferably if you've snuck in to avoid paying the admission fee.

So…what does "psychotic troll gesture" actually look like?

If the films and television of the late 90s have taught us nothing else, it is this: to find literally any information at all, just have the "nerd" or "smart kid" or "Willow Rosenberg" of your group sit down at any computer. Doesn't matter if it has an internet connection. Have them start typing furiously, for a

Hey, everyone has to start somewhere

It's not necessarily an only child thing. I've had a sibling for as long as I can remember, and I need (or at least want) lots of solitude and personal space and time. Which makes it weird that I have lived alone for only maybe 5 months of my life.

I love to analyze and process every little detail about relationships (or anything, really), and can go on talking seemingly forever. And I have a great deal of difficulty letting topics go if I don't feel that they've been resolved. I'm definitely trying to learn to live with the uncertainty and lack of resolution

I just means if someone asks you if you're a god, you say "Yes". This can come in handy in certain situations.

Your heaviest crush is the one that you get after you think you can't get any more. This is apparently one of the lessons of Tarantino's "Jackie Brown".

My Pavlovian-response due to classical conditioning song is "Black Planet" by Sisters of Mercy. I'm not sure what this says about me.

But all that one gets you are pictures of this big, beefy, bald, Swedish guy…

I have done literally this (specifically, in the National Museum of Natural History, though not in the public areas). I'm not proud of it, though I am proud to have had sex in that same building a few years later.

Look who's ragging on the old lady!