Why the hell not? This is a safe space, right? I mean, my thing can't be the one thing that goes too far for everyone, right?
Why the hell not? This is a safe space, right? I mean, my thing can't be the one thing that goes too far for everyone, right?
1. No particular policy on forgiveness, and in fact I don't really get the concept that well. is it just to make the other person feel better? How do you decide when that's appropriate? Or is it something internal, where you don't have to tell the other person anything at all? I can read dictionary definitions…
But you met at Niagara Falls?
General advice - if people who aren't assholes stop wearing ties, then only assholes will wear ties, and the lie will become true. So don't stop wearing the ties, or the hats, or whatever, just because you don't want to be mistaken as belonging to a group of assholes. Act in such a way that you serve as a shining…
As a herpetologist IRL, and an amphibian or reptile on the AV Club, I'm trebly disgusted.
And we love you!
That's rough - I'm sorry that you had to go through that.
I don't know - I'm not sure I would trust this guy/gal - dude made the cracker barrel obsolete!
Truly heartwarming. This married man (er, turtle) thanks you for sharing.
Despite having the facial features of a gargoyle, I am often perceived as a woman due to my long hair. I've been called "miss" or "ma'am" many times, and my wife and I get called "ladies" a couple times every year. I rather enjoy it.
Yeah, man, but the dreams afterwards…
I'm very sympathetic to your comment, @avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus , but, FWIW, in his podcast Dan frequently tells women to "ovary up" or some such when they need to be more decisive and bold. You could make the case that for Dan, gonads=brave, though you couldn't tell that from this one letter…
That…is very bad for the eyes.
Oh, I do. Believe me, I do.
Thanks for the response, and I would totally support a Puddleglum gimmick account that a) Takes the most negative view of everything, and b) Insists that it's actually irrationally cheerful. Was he ever a Lord in the books, though? I don't remember that.
As an English major, do you mind helping me out a little more? I probably should know better and would like to not use this wrong or confuse people (or myself), but I'm still not quite getting the distinction - specifically, I'm not sure how I would tell in a given situation whether it's objectification or…
And wait'll you see what happens when Mr. Roper shows up!
Hey Dikachu,
Million-to-one, doc!
But as I understand it, the term wasn't made up for use in chemistry. I'm assuming it's from Latin (I know trans is) and means something along the lines of "same side", as opposed to trans, which means "different side" or "across from".