
Did it work?

I get the variation - it's just that variation here seems so polarized. For some folks, getting banged in the cervix sounds like the equivalent of getting kicked in the balls. For others, it's awesome. That's hard for me to wrap my head around (I get that some guys like ball busting, and some don't, but my

Not exactly, but close.

I've no experience with either having a cervix or banging one, but there really seem to be divergent opinions - some women apparently find it sexy and arousing, and some do indeed report that it's really painful. Makes me wonder what's going on.

I had started thinking that someone must've done this before, but I don't remember either the Nightmare scene or the Sesame Street ones. Cool to hear that the one intended for children was by far the more terrifying.

And this is why I read these comments - I learn so very much!

Fair enough, and good to know.

That's what the pickled ginger is for!

Don't you dare change that "mate-to-order" typo (if that's indeed what it was…)

It is a disturbing image I've inadvertently stumbled upon, isn't it?

Man, I would really value @Nudeviking:disqus 's opinion on this particular lexicographical debate.

"Dude, shut up! you already totally spoiled the Bhagavad Gita for me!"

Well, you know how it is - when a dog puts on a human mask and walks on its hind legs while having sex, it's routine. But man fucks pup? That's news!

@avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus gave some great advice, so I'm just here to back it up with personal testimony. My wife definitely prefers it hard and fast, and she definitely didn't learn that from porn - it's just what she most enjoys. She would not get more pleasure from going slow and taking a

Yeah - what's this North Pole business? It was always Abu Dhabi, when I was growing up - he even sang a song about it on that show with the friends.

Hey! You toss a soup bone in there, some potatoes, some leftover jizz - you got yourself a stew going'!

Also, I almost asked: "Is there such thing as kitty play?", but then I remembered what planet I was on and didn't even bother to check.

This raises an interesting question: do puppy play people also tend to be dog people? I kind of tend to hope not, though I'm certainly not implying that the "pup bros" have any interest in fucking dogs. It's more that I like the idea that, after having sex dressed as a dog, someone would go home to a nice parakeet

FWIW, the puppy play letter reminded me of somewhat more classic savage love, where the problem might not have been too difficult to solve, but the details revealed a world so few people had heard about that it was worth printing anyway. Ah, memories of that first furry letter…

Mostly bonobos, but yeah, and I think gorillas have also been spotted doing it face-to-face. So we'll round it up to "cetacean or great ape". Still more likely that the writer is a rodent or bat, though.