Smile Guilely


The Spark Knight Rises

"Well I think Councilman Ed Sheeran should do MORE thinking and LESS Sheeran"

Great news, thanks for Sheeran it

Observe and Report is my favourite Seth Rogen film and gets funnier every time I see it

Tom Waits, circa 1983

Tyler Perry presents: Madea Scientist

Not as fun as District 9 but much more fun than Elysium. Yeah, admittedly it is a pretty sub-par movie, but it wasn't boring, had some good effects, and the (as Rabin correctly identified) misguided tone and ultra violence make it an enjoyable and bizarre watch for a rainy Sunday afternoon at home.

There is no Dana, only splooge

You're through, detective

Wait… is that true? That sounds horrible, and if true, shows that this movie really should be referred to as "the female Ghostbusters". Now they just need to throw a Gay Puft Marshmallow Man into the equation to really pander to a modern audience. He can flatten buildings with his pithy comments!

James Bond should be blacker, angrier and have access to a time machine.

Is "The Blurbs" a sequel to the Tom Hanks comedy "The Burbs"? Now that's an 80s comedy you don't hear about much these days. Count me in if there's a sequel!

I've been waiting for a movie like this my whole life: Johnny Depp acting strange and wearing a silly hat!

I agree with you. I might even buy this movie when it inevitably ends up in the Blu Ray bargain bin.

It's not worth wasting one's barath over

No mention of the worst part of this whole saga: the cruel bullying of Patton Oswalt by online bullies when he criticized James Rolfe's non-review on Twitter. Nasty idiots targeting Patton's figurative exposed belly by pointing out that at least James's wife isn't dead. Horrible. But what do we learn from this all;

I'm pretty sure James did not refer to it as art desecration. It was, and remains, an extremely popular movie. 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Crazy money made for its time. Enough interest that an Xbox 360 game was made about it over 20 years after the movie was released. I would put it at a similar level as Back To The

It's really weird reading an article on AVClub about James Rolfe. He's not the type who seems to be aiming for controversy on a wide scale. He has a large amount of subscribers who like to hear about what he has to say, whether it's bad shark movies or Ghostbusters remake. I imagine he will find it amusing that so

I'm a bit late to this party, but I've finally caught up with this show. There was one detail I thought the commenters here would be all over.