Deadpan Andre Braugher

I suppose I can see how… A balloon arch… Might have been a little too much.



Well. I wish you'd said something before I spent all day making it. Of course. You didn't want to burst my bubble (pun intended).

So says the hair guy.

My arch. Isn't she beautiful.

Made. No. I birthed her. There's no form more graceful than the arch. No object more whimsical than the balloon.

Got it. Balloon arch. Say no more. It's done. I'm off to the nearest balloon store.

I'm at your disposal. Just tell me what to do. I'm here to implement your vision.


Read the segment labeled "Two Beckys".

Are you familiar with the television program "Roseanne".

Who isn't.


This was not an occasion for PARTY music.

He was always a corgi.

I would like to see an imaginative rendering of a certain young detective and his desirable stapler.

I feel the rare urge of a sweet tooth. Perhaps a trip to seeny-bone…

Yyyyyyyeeeeeesssss… He is helpless without Boyle.

No. She's right. Jeffords. Your children are doomed.