Deadpan Andre Braugher

There's something I'd like to say.

One bag of "primo blow." As is the parlance. I still have reservations about this plan. Perhaps you could say your dealer ran out. Or he's… Summering in Nantucket.

Periods only.

*knees around the world*

Peralta. What are you doing at Razzmatazz.

But the whole point is for you to get… Angry. Did you even get close.

Oh. Santiago. You're faking.

I have a ComStat presentation coming up and I was toying with the idea of using… Hand gestures. For… Emphasis. So. I went up to the roof to practice.

You're in God's hands now. Goodbye.

That's a stone-cold lie. Cowabunga. Mother

You want me to just say, "Cowabunga, Mom."

You can tell Laverne the whole story. Over brunch.

Oh. An attempt at flattery. Well. It won't work. This was Boyle's map and it was adequate. At best.

Fine. You're un-arrested. Mother.

There's something so devious about taking advantage of wine lovers. But there won't be any wine where you're headed. George.

And I am enraged. We are shocked… And enraged.

My mother doesn't "dish." It's one of her better qualities.

I assure you. My mother is not a vibrator.

Detective Peralta. Can I speak to you in my childhood bedroom.

And then I learned to do trigonometric functions in my head. Like a big boy.