Deadpan Andre Braugher

Cheddar. Come here. Come here. Come here. Baby. Yeah. Thank you. Return to my office. Please.

Ch ch chhhhhhhhh…

Over the past month. I've had him trained to retrieve plaques.

Amy and Rosa have it. Diaz usually favors her left leg. But. After Zero Dark Pizza. She was suddenly favoring her right.



The cobbledale.

Who hired you.

Let's unleash Hell.

*Sotto voce*

And… Despite our natural desire to stop everything. You'd like us to soldier on in your absence and keep the Heist going.

*attempts to pick lock*

Here's everything you need to know.

I select Charles Boyle.

We're talking a young Al Gore. Ha. Ha.

You and Santiago should quit now.

I will slit you open from mouth to anus and wear you like a jacket.

*Die Walküre performed by an ethnically and gender-diverse brass quartet begins in another room. The musicians. Consisting of sousaphone. French Horn. Trombone and trumpet. March in behind their leader. Raise right hand and clench into fist. Music stops with appropriate. But understated. Flourish.*

I knew it.

Of course there are PARTY signs.