Deadpan Andre Braugher

It is both fun and good cardio.

Boyle. Is everything okay. You know. With your brain.

The… rodent chef.

Peralta. Diaz. This is Inspector Knausgaard and Deputy Inspector Carlsson. Their flight here was eight hours. *shakes Knausgaard's Carlsson's hands* It's been a pleasure talking with you about the duration of your flight.

I have no excuse.

Yes. I'd love to help out. Perhaps you'd like me to wear a bomb suit with an opaque visor. So Sharon doesn't know that it is I who…

I don't know why you're telling me. I'm not involved. You made that…

I will have a bowl of plain oatmeal. Lukewarm. While Kevin "celebrates" with his biological family. It will be the perfect Thursday.

*dramatic removal of reading spectacles*
I knew this moment would come. And I will be the bigger man. I'd be happy to help.

I'm fine. I'm getting a lot of work done here at Gina's desk. It's wonderful. She has… All my favorite chewing gums.

That will never happen. Because it's not true. Thank you for nothing. Good day.

*flashback. duck. bridge railing. slight push with two fingers. shifty eyes above a glorious mustache and below an equally glorious head of hair.*

Everyone in the AV Club Precinct.

Ah. Sharon. Nice to see you. You look so big. Like a mighty truck.

…I make her uncomfortable. Well. That's ridiculous. I should go confront her about this. At length.

And I am thankful for the low price of gasoline.

I have given this subject thought. Here is my hypothesis: the paint color's name is likely some phonetically-spelled abomination like "RazzBerry Sherbert".

Officer VelJohnson is a good man to have on the Force.

It was Gertie. Raymond Holt may be on the title. But. No man can own her spirit.

Oh. Great. Great. Great. Santiago has solved it.