
I didn't realize this until a couple of people pointed it out, but isn't Don's repeated "What do you want me to say/feel?" what he used to say to Betty (or most people) in Seasons 1 - 3… particularly in Season 3?  And he kept doing it right up until the point when Betty found the key, discovered "Dick Whitman" and

Nigel's final comment was bizarre.  All season he had the chance to "be honest", but he chose to ignore it.  Then he picks the worst possible moment to say something.  I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did it to genuinely help Chehon, but the fact that it was the freshest thing on people's minds

Nigel's final comment was bizarre.  All season he had the chance to "be honest", but he chose to ignore it.  Then he picks the worst possible moment to say something.  I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did it to genuinely help Chehon, but the fact that it was the freshest thing on people's minds

I went in with a bias because I had Cole pegged as the winner ever since his audition and I've been bitter since last Wednesday.  When they started with that awful Paso (compared to Cole & Lindsay's 1st competition dance) yet NONE of the judges critiqued it, I knew how most of the evening was going to play out.

I went in with a bias because I had Cole pegged as the winner ever since his audition and I've been bitter since last Wednesday.  When they started with that awful Paso (compared to Cole & Lindsay's 1st competition dance) yet NONE of the judges critiqued it, I knew how most of the evening was going to play out.

Mandy's 80s tuneage can be too much, however she did use "Wild Horses" this season (which I did love), so I'm giving her a pass. :)

Mandy's 80s tuneage can be too much, however she did use "Wild Horses" this season (which I did love), so I'm giving her a pass. :)

@avclub-fd618c6be7327c1e01499f3f758fc26c:disqus We are on the same page!  Without question, Cole and Will did not deserve to be in the bottom two!  Chehon's tango was really great (I still thought he was a little stiff, but it worked well for the dance) so I'm not annoyed he's still there, but I do not think my Happy

@avclub-fd618c6be7327c1e01499f3f758fc26c:disqus We are on the same page!  Without question, Cole and Will did not deserve to be in the bottom two!  Chehon's tango was really great (I still thought he was a little stiff, but it worked well for the dance) so I'm not annoyed he's still there, but I do not think my Happy

Seriously, Will AND Cole in the bottom two?  Lindsay getting sent home before Witney?  What the hell!?  Something is seriously wrong with these results.

Seriously, Will AND Cole in the bottom two?  Lindsay getting sent home before Witney?  What the hell!?  Something is seriously wrong with these results.

Television You Black Emperor

Television You Black Emperor

Cheon's hip hop, while not being amazing did succeed in loosening him up a lot and making me like him for the first time in this competition.  He's still a bit too stiff, but it's leaps and bounds over everything up until this point.  I chalk a lot of it up to the fact that when he smiled, it felt genuine as opposed

Cheon's hip hop, while not being amazing did succeed in loosening him up a lot and making me like him for the first time in this competition.  He's still a bit too stiff, but it's leaps and bounds over everything up until this point.  I chalk a lot of it up to the fact that when he smiled, it felt genuine as opposed

My vote goes to Lindsay.  Ever since she and Cole did the Paso Doble, I've been really impressed with her performance ability.  Witney does absolutely nothing for me.  Yeah she's a great dancer, but I don't connect with her.

My vote goes to Lindsay.  Ever since she and Cole did the Paso Doble, I've been really impressed with her performance ability.  Witney does absolutely nothing for me.  Yeah she's a great dancer, but I don't connect with her.

Seeing as he "danced" a jive a few weeks ago, was told he lacked the technique but darn it he tried so hard so it's alright, I expect the same response if he gets another ballroom routine.

Seeing as he "danced" a jive a few weeks ago, was told he lacked the technique but darn it he tried so hard so it's alright, I expect the same response if he gets another ballroom routine.

Also, the "your feet weren't perfect, but darn it we love you so much Cyrus" crap is just Season 7's Jose all over again.