
Also, the "your feet weren't perfect, but darn it we love you so much Cyrus" crap is just Season 7's Jose all over again.

Apparently it's a torn ligament :(  The more serious problem was something his mom had written in a comment somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. Hopefully I'm either imagining it or it's no longer the case.
He did have shortened rehearsal time though and was dealing with some really bad pain.  Fingers crossed he

Apparently it's a torn ligament :(  The more serious problem was something his mom had written in a comment somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. Hopefully I'm either imagining it or it's no longer the case.
He did have shortened rehearsal time though and was dealing with some really bad pain.  Fingers crossed he

Hooray for Eliana and Alex Freaking Wong!

Hooray for Eliana and Alex Freaking Wong!