
Witney used to do it last year too!  That and her flipping her hair every 5 seconds drove me nuts.

I'm finally watching this week's show and got to Jenna & Tucker's "Tasty Oreo" routine.  Yeah, I stand by my non-disappointment if she goes away.

I cannot stand Jenna.  Everything about her just screams "LOOK AT ME CAMERA, I'M AMAZING AND TALENTED AND SEXY, blah blah blah".  I'm not denying she's talented and deserves to be in the Top 20, but if she were to go home next week, I wouldn't be disappointed.

@avclub-705562aaa4a5b85bfa44373d8e6bf234:disqus "Off-limits" absolutely refers to a Romantic relationship, but I got the feeling that he also allied himself with Bob to not have to worry about someone that clever gunning for him in the future with regards to whatever Bob was planning to do at SC&P.  I think Pete knows

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus & @avclub-705562aaa4a5b85bfa44373d8e6bf234:disqus I agree with you, however to BOB, Pete went back on his word after he told him he didn't have anything to do with Manolo's actions and then he pushed it too far.  So that's why he decided to go back on his half of the

I guess, and Pete obviously has justifiable reasons to be furious and screamy, as would anyone else in that situation.  BUT since I don't think Bob actually had anything to do with it, it was just Pete taking it out on the guy he assumes is Manolo's boyfriend.  To Bob, it was him taking it too far after calling a

Beautiful finale.  I wanted to cry during the Hershey meeting when Don opened up about his childhood.

I'm pretty sure the piece ended with the guy putting his arm up on the back of the couch… just in case I didn't already get Mad Men from everything else…

Smoking a joint in the office is the first remotely cool thing Pete's done since the Charleston in Season 3… Even though I loathe that smug little weasel (beyond the amount I did in Season 1), I think he's one of the most fascinating characters on the show…

@avclub-705562aaa4a5b85bfa44373d8e6bf234:disqus  The entire time Joan was (rightfully) insisting that she be a part of the meeting, I thought of the Lane/Jaguar episode.

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus   I guess when "Hit List" went to Broadway, they disposed of him?  I mean, he probably should've been at the Tony Awards since he was involved with the pre-Broadway run.

THIS!! ^^^^  I think I missed the next bit of dialogue because I was laughing.

I genuinely thought Kyle was going to appear in that circle ala Angel.  And then when they got in the "Seasons of Love" line, I was just waiting for it…

You're absolutely right.  It was just one of those OF COURSE moments that I feel I should get the first time around.  I was definitely creeped out both times, but it wasn't until MW actually said the word "molestation" that it really hit me.

Don is really 0 for 3 with his kids this season, isn't he?

Exactly.  And even if it would've been a free one, it still doesn't make it any less creepy.

This might have just become my favorite episode this season.  I mean Ken Cosgrove, Accounts TAP DANCED!  My friend and I were laughing so hysterically that we missed everything he was saying and had to catch it on the next viewing.

It pains me to admit how much I loved "I'm Not Sorry" in all its Gaga/Black Swan/Kickboxing/Zumba glory and that my friend and I watched it repeatedly.  Also, is there a GIF of Karen doing that weird hop-run thing at Daisy?  If not, can there be? It just made me laugh hysterically every single time we replayed that

To be honest, I only realized it upon reading my third or fourth recap and seeing something like "Herb's wife, Peaches" even though probably every review I read had actually mentioned her name.

Amazing episode in just so many, many ways.