Patrick Gerard

Actually, the writer's room is a new thing starting with Transformers 5. They're going to be doing a bit of a soft reboot on the Transformers movies and, from what I gather, will be converting G.I.JOE, M.A.S.K., C.O.P.S. and anything else they find in the Hasbro vaults into a shared universe of Transformers spinoffs.

I think a Greendale spinoff is harder if there's no Annie or Abed and quite possibly no Jeff or Britta, given commitments. Maybe it's also easier in some ways.

Shia LaBeouf wants more Community!

I think what they do (and I have a plan for my own project that plays with this) is that they take what is essentially a comedic movie format but replace the comedy with action, like a bizarro action comedy. An action comedy is an action movie that has jokes spliced in where you might expect action beats. Marvel

Those things taste like PRIME RIB where I COME FROM.

Jeff was raised by television, it's both.

Inventive and funny aren't the main criteria?

And this show is set in Colorado.

Minuses are made up.

Here's the thing about a movie. Is it a straight sequel to the show, a 90-120 minute episode follow-up? A movie in the Star Trek sense that's a new story with a visual reinvention of the show's sets (and costuming)? In this case, having an accessible hook is essential.

As I said elsewhere, I would be fine with this as an ending.

I really prefer the second outcome. It's a better punchline. The first outcome is a bit soft and dishonest by comparison.

I think there was a meta-gag in there about Britta Brittaing the use of the second F-bomb. This showed that it could only really be funny ONCE and Britta using it a second time was only funny in an anti-comedy way, where she Brittaed the relaxed language and guaranteed there'd never be a third.

I'd say the Dean was a real MVP this episode. Not my favorite episode of the season (then again I've always had odd tastes) but I love the Scrabisodes and this is no exception in that regard.

I think they're deliberately playing it awkward as old men who are just discovering the idea of being openly gay.

Awful news. It was a cute pairing for a few episodes that has grown tired and made the show stale by locking it into a particular course. I would much prefer they unfix the direction of the characters. That was the problem with How I Met Your Mother: they tried to lock the characters into what some of the early fans

He thought he could change history if he flashed back hard enough.

I'm actually hoping for lack of closure, either way. This show has had plenty of finales. Let the S6 finale (whether or not it wraps up the show) pull a Twin Peaks and end on a bunch of curveball cliffhangers. A total throwback to Pascal's Triangle Revisited.

I didn't see it so much as a gag past a certain point. I think we're meant to take somewhat seriously the idea of a character literally trying to flashback so hard that it pulls him from the present moment, not purely as a gag but as if you encountered a real person trying to do that.

I just saw this. You beat me to it. And if the husbands had been straight, we'd need more characters (their mistresses?) which would detract from the show's focus.