Patrick Gerard

This is true but I'll be brutally pragmatic: it works mechanically for a sitcom that wants to continue to feature the exes without needing to introduce new love interests for the exes… and it creates a situation where the exes can be both more awkward and more friendly.

I felt like there almost could have been a "lost tag" where we see Jeff meet up with Matt Berry in a garage and we learn that Berry isn't really a grifting professor and that the two set the whole thing up to…

That was mostly Elroy's reaction, wasn't it?

There's an American produced Dirk Gently show in the works, which I gather is borrowing some from the ITV version, at least in terms of the setup, while hopefully aiming for a grander budget.

I think I'd like something in the same universe that is not, strictly speaking, a spin-off. Or even a new show about characters at Greendale that resists the urge to be "Saved By the Bell: The New Class" and is actually a different show with no obvious analogues, no study group/committee, and just happens to have Jeff

Keith Richards, a quarter century ago.

I think the point is that they're now all studying things they don't have a talent for, in order to grow. We haven't seen much of that though.

So, I saw Harmon at Comic-Con last year and I think somebody mentioned the idea of a Rick and Morty crossover. And his basic reply was that, on thinking about it, a Rick and Morty episode could feature Community characters but not vice versa. After seeing this season, I think Elroy would work seamlessly as a Rick and

Well, Annie has also made out with Abed every time they both played characters for a bit as well. (D&D, paintball,Dreamatorium with Abed as Jeff.) I think it says more about Annie than any feelings she has for Jeff. She's been attracted to pretty much any man in character on the show.

Out of nowhere? Jeff's character is that he's a neurotic who melts down fairly often. Been happening since mid-season 1. I don't see that as a contrivance. Jeff's character includes that he is psychologically unstable, narcissistic, and prone to meltdowns at a rate slightly higher than Abed. He's not the "normal"

I am a fan of Jeff having psychotic breaks. Instantly elevates a scene… and it did that here, in my honest opinion.

Is there any way we could persuade the Onion and his new corporate overlords just to let him do ONE article reviewing the season finale and the season as a whole?

Yeah. The episodes feel a bit more designed for syndication now. I really enjoyed this one. But I agree about stakes.

I don't think it's an NBC joke at this point. I think this is Harmon fishing for our reaction to his OWN spinoff ideas, but he's being self-deprecating about it. It's kind of like, "What would you guys think if I did THIS next? Did I mention I don't make enough off Rick and Morty to make my new mortgage payments yet?

AVC is popular enough that Dan Harmon lurks here and might make a comment about your comment on a podcast or interview. In fact, he might make a comment now on how he shouldn't make any comments about our comments because that will lead to us making comments about him making comments about our comments.

They went with a take where it felt like Garrett defeated Jeff, which was a glorious direction to take that scene.

They're teasing the idea that they're trying to settle on a spinoff/making fun of the idea of doing a spinoff.

Actually, I watched the S5 premiere recently. They don't state Abed's new major but my inference was that he went with Theatre/Acting or Communications because he's supposed to be getting in touch with how to interact with people in his new major.

Also, I have no real need for you guys to analyze shows that are, basically, closed ended and which left the airwaves so many years ago that virtually everyone who might be interested in them has seen them; I could maybe see an exception when a show hits Netflix/Hulu/Blu-Ray to get back into it. Or if you're looking

This is the Jim Belushi of updates. I can't find the latest articles on my favorite shows because search doesn't prioritize recent updates over simply popular ones and updates are gone. I've been coming here less and less and I may eventually drop you guys altogether if other sites can put together a better feed of