
Lone, I loved that it was basically a synopsis of the entire first season. Not to trot out the old "hey it's meta!" meme, but painting the story of Fringe as a fairy tale about love within a show that is, essentially, a fairy tale about love was a charming reminder that the writers don't take their own mythology too

Dr. Gnu - that would have given me heart palpitations and likely led Olivia to kill him; however, it would have been magnificent.

I was utterly disappointed with Amy's "I almost died so now I know I want to have sex with you before that happens!" behavior. Sure the Doctor is cute and all, but that situation was just horrible. As far as I'm concerned, Donna is still better than all of the revival companions combined.

I was really disappointed that they allowed the angels to move onscreen. They are way more terrifying if they are so fast you can't see them until you do, when they're still. Seeing them exhibit signs of life was cheating - the camera shouldn't be able to see any angel activity that humans can't see.

Missed Opportunities
Nina Sharp's complete lack of a Katherine Hepburn accent.

I hate the three-pronged version of the screwdriver, and making it green just…doesn't make sense.

And how could we forget that epitome of craft and beloved fan favorite, The Shakespeare Code?

@your momma, I think I speak for many dude-attracted viewers of Big Love when I say that a return of Ray the DA would be highly unlikely, completely nonsensical, and totally rad. It would really make up for the serious lack of man candy that followed the big empty hole Dale left in our hearts and Alby's…anyway.

I have more issues with this show than I care to mention, at least not until I'm State Senator.
The editing on this show had gone to the crapper. Every new scene felt more disconnected from the previous, and the follow-ups were even more disjointed. And Alby carving up Lara's face was a shark jumper for me. So next

Community's reference gags are two-percenters. I didn't get the Color of Money reference because I haven't seen it, but I didn't miss out. The reference wasn't the point; it was an in-joke that two percent of the audience would get. A little cookie for being good pop culture geeks.

I didn't really find myself missing her that much. If she ever decides she wants to sabotage her relationship or wreck April's someday-maybe-whatever with Andy, I could stand to see her go.

@Broseph you are about seven letters from being absolutely correct.

Speaking of "Spot the Reference"
The tag at the end? Was that a Fat Albert parody? It flew miles over my head.

I laugh so hard that I snort when I Mc(in)Hale.

He was probably going for 40% vampire, 30% velociraptor, 20% Regan from The Exorcist and 10% Dr. Cox.

White Abed = Brown Joey. Oh, Community, you have cupped America's politically correct, racism-fearing nutsack in your palm and whispered, "Trust me."

Dear TiVo, please don't stop before the krumping ends!
Am I wrong to think that Danny Pudi might be the strongest actor on this show?

No homily from Amelie
It had to be said: thanks for continuing your coverage in spite of the meager reception. There seems to be a lot more appreciation for this show in the reviews than in the readership, so I'm grateful that you soldier on.

"I understand context, Ted."
An issue of continuity: Was I the only one thrown off by Veronica "stealing" Linda's hairstyle? When Rose came to work with Ted earlier this season, Veronica taught her how to pull off "power hair." Rose said it felt kind of funny; Veronica said it would pass after a few years. Plus,

Seeing as nearly everything in the show is heavy-handed and foreshadowed, I'd almost bet you're right.