
Randi and Melissa, stop trolling the comments pretending to be one person. Get thee to rehearsal, strumpets!

I am really beginning to sour on the overuse of Steadicam for the group numbers when they're not integral to the choreography. There was a brilliant solution tailored to that technical aspect of the show last season when Wade created a very "black and white" jazzy number and utilized the dancer's lines to point the

My heart pounded with excitement at the first few bars of "9 to 5" and the sight of Dolly in all her glory, but as soon as the bland, soulless chorus chimed in I was overwhelmed with disgust. What on earth was that choreography about?

Man, I'm sure eating my words on Kopono and TooCuteForNames. Crash Test Dummies was magical. Also, 29 is my favorite age. I want to steal Melissa's face and preserve it for when I'm 30.

I'm pretty sure if the yogurt totaled 13,000 calories, Michael Phelps would manage.

I already have my favorite couple of the season.
The D'umos fill my heart with joy every time I see them.

Although Pasha and Lacey introduced me to the Junior Boys with the mannequin hip hop routine, Dimitri will always be my true (if not first - ugh, first season was awkward on so many levels) love.

I'm gunning for both of them, the ballet dancer who was still under contract (seriously, Hok much?) and Ryan to come back in the fall and rock the Top 20.

Santos, I completely agree with you on Silky. He almost seemed to be sabotaging the other dancers in the routine so that they would suck, their group would suck, and then they'd let him dance for his life so he could go through. Probably not his intention, but then he comes off as arrogant and does a half-assed solo?

Touche. I suppose I was looking for someone less outwardly crazy and abrasive and more of a cerebral, depressive type. Having him be negative and homicidal in the 70's makes his transition to near-absolute solitude and misery in the 90's kind of, well…not that interesting. Unless Kelvin actually killed him for being

Touche. I suppose I was looking for someone less outwardly crazy and abrasive and more of a cerebral, depressive type. Having him be negative and homicidal in the 70's makes his transition to near-absolute solitude and misery in the 90's kind of, well…not that interesting. Unless Kelvin actually killed him for being

Dharma casting
Radzinsky's reveal was a huge disappointment tonight. Perhaps I'm biased because I've been secretly praying for the return of Kelvin (aka Clancy Motherfucking Brown) ever since Desmond clocked him out, but it was a letdown. So much for the mysterious suicidal painter-of-the-map/ex-button-pusher

I'm wondering if they didn't shoot the scene with Claire and/or Charlotte hovering creepily in the background, and if they decided against it and cut it out in post. It seems too glaring of an error to be a stagehand - the girl looked like she was costumed to be Charlotte to me.

Frank Lapidus = Sully Sullenberger, as far as I'm concerned.

What completely frustrates me is that Juliet's been there for three years. How has she not noticed young Ben in all that time?

dwight's anatomy
Counterproductive vein control aside (if an IV was necessary in an emergency, it would probably be preferable if the veins were visible by default), I got a huge kick out of Dwight feeling off-balance from them draining blood from the "one side."

Who better to cast as a no-good, maybe-rapist ex-husband to Nicki? We can't have some semi-likable all a-talking and a-stalking on this show. It made a solid statement about the character's future, and he certainly makes my skin crawl.

stolen keys to the kingdom
Honestly, the tone of this episode veered in a bad direction for me. I was entirely put off by Mel's sashay into the band's apartment; I know Mel is supposed to be creepy, but it's definitely been escalating this season what with the recent reveal of her and Doug's 'McKenzie-ing' at the

More men next time, please.
You forgot to mention the delightful cameo of Eric Mabius. Isn't he always worth a mention? He is delightful. And by delightful, I mean delicious.

ABC killed the LOST afterparty
I'm genuinely disappointed that this has been canceled, mostly because now I have nothing to watch after LOST. I just hope this is enough notice for there to be some closure at the finale.