
Next Week: Margie Discovers Duct Tape and Sharpies Solve Everything
Barb's reaction to Margene's overt scripting for Nicki quitting work was so broadly dubious and forced that I can only deduce that Barb has learned the most important lesson of First Wifehood. Note to Wanda: play along with their blatant lies as long

i guess more than one decent s3 ep was too much to ask for…
I miss Fringe already.

eep. forgive the title-po.

if this show were a decent comic book, a giant vagina monster would have would destroy New York long ago
Every episode is like a lesson in what not to do with a semi-successful show with a smattering of interesting characters. It's better than a writing class.

say it like you mean it
Mad Men runs on bottled rage and misery. It gives its casual dialogue depth. This was an uncharacteristic turn because this was simply the episode when things started tumbling out. The only sore spot of this episode was Pete's over-the-top tantrum, but then again, he is a child. Joan's

Seven pieces would make more sense if putting the formula together awakened a dragon that granted you a wish. (Or three wishes, depending on what set we're talking about.)

I found the euphoric expression on Duck's face when he tastes the martini sickening, heartbreaking…and kind of a turn-on, because it's Mark Moses.

i love to work at nothing all day
Idleness, particularly manifesting as a rejection of responsibility, seemed like the dominant pattern in this episode: The creative team skipping out on work in favor of lunch; Roger getting cozy with Jane; Don cavorting and lazing in bed with Joy; Pete's sunny, though officious,

Blue Collar Criminal
Biggest WTF moment of this episode: Sookie being strangled, calling out to Bill, him hearing her, and coming to her rescue - darkness permitting - only to find her ABSOLUTELY FINE?!