
It seems like it would go against  a lot of her principles but I guess that's pushed aside for "ermahgerd dat hot boy likez me!!!!!".
Which is understandable because he is pretty cute.

I'm confused by Lorelai's "we won by default" comment, does it mean that they got one over that guy or did they actually come in second for that piece of crap?
Because there was also a snowpanda and that should have got second.
Also doesn't it seem remarkably dickish to be so pleased when someone's meticulously created

I think Freddie's motives are still rooted in book sales or the glory of being the person who catches the killer. I think there are two possible scenarios that led to her behaviour in this episode.
The first being that she realises Abigail's involvement while trying to get the narrative sorted for the book. She's

I hate doing this but he's Irish not British. I'm only defensive because him and Matthews are probably our best known tv comedy writers. It's all we have!!

It pretty much blew my mind when I read about the Godfather parallels a couple of years ago  http://talkalotsaynothing.b…
Kinda like when someone pointed out the symbolism behind the Don Draper name.

I see what you're saying about it being reductive and Mad Men does wander into being too on the nose sometimes. But I actually really liked it because it made me think more about Don's job, namely that advertising like Aimee's actions manufacture false desire and mixes up persuasion and coercion into one.
And it's been

I think it makes sense, he is ridiculously good at playing awkward rich guys.

Anthony Kiedis' dad got brought him to a prostitute when he was twelve, so yeah i guess it happens when the parent is a total shitbag.
It is such a creepy trope though, and I shuddered when they brought it up in N.G. It seems like such a weird, controlling thing to do, to mix up parental approval with sex. It seems to

No he's best known as the gay kid who yells "Who told!". Duh

I think they show Hannibal prepping the meat while wearing a plain white shirt, when talking to Will he was wearing something flashier. I think the invitation was in the evening, right before dinner.

I thought they were digging through the victims' medical history  to see if there was any doctors that might fit the profile they had drawn up. They were actively looking for someone with medical experience who might have made first contact with a victim through their work.
So seeing as she disappeared while following

I agree with everyone else that said this: Will realizes when he sees Hannibal in the ambulance. I wonder what set off this realization though? Was it seeing Hannibal as a literal stand in for another murderer? Or was it just Hannibal's unnatural calmness in that scenario i.e being asked to save someones life with

They should have a spin off where they commit crimes all over the country, while narrowly evading capture by U.S Marshall BITCHHUNTER.
It'll have it all! Seductive anti heroes! Clothes porn! Boobs! Explosions! Witty retorts!

Megan's mom is awesome. "You are speaking slowly so I will understand? Forget. My. Name". She's a badass bitch with no need for wine glasses. I think I'm in love

Don is such a dickhead. Hopefully Joan will get an opportunity in the future to vase him.

Don't forget not understanding how to pay for sex at a brothel.

Annoyed I can't directly reply to @avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus, I wasn't trying to be a dick about it so apologies that it came out that way. "Sadistic" is a bit of an exaggeration for it, it just felt like a gut punch for me because I empathised so much with Reggie on Dead Like Me. The part of my

I completely agree and I've been meaning to give the Granada series another go, I was previously foiled by some terribly slow youtube videos.

I looked up who they cast for her, and I'm pretty excited for her Irene. What bothered me about Irene in Sherlock was that she felt like a tv character. I thought the show really wanted people to think of her as this cool badass while not actually investing her with any particularly interesting qualities.

I felt weird liking this comment. But you're right about how it was shot, tumblr probaly exploded with creepy gifs and comments like "am i weird or was that so hot???"