
did you watch happy endings? adam pally (peter) played a gay dudebro on that show,so i have to imagine the writers wouldn't be comfortable using that actor in such a similar role. maybe all the tobiasisms (what a mouthful!) are just a nod to that.

Wow an actually consistently funny episode, where everyone got some funny lines. The last time this happened was the episode in Mexico. Only downside for me was them reusing the Mindy's dreamy descriptions of true love being misinterpreted as terrorist codewords joke from the Empire State Building ep, unless they're

Also a reference to their status in the group and their relationship to Gary.
Page and Chamberlain: outliers of the group, bit servile to Gary
Prince: Pretender to the throne
Knightly: Gary's best friend and and protector.
I'm still a little confused by Chamberlain (although I agree with your real estate idea), because

If I got anything from this film its how fantastic an actor Frost is, I mean he's obviously always been a gifted  comedy actor but this is the first time I ever really thought of him as a dramatic one. I think I might watch Money tonight, it didn't get good reviews but I really want to see his interpretation of John

I don't agree because this isn't cabin in the woods where someone makes a selfish INFORMED choice, they didn't know what the consequences of telling the Network to fuck off back to legoland were. They thought they were going to die and were making a last stand. It's not their fault the Network turned outto be a bunch

Does anyone have any clever suggestions about the thematic significance  of the names: King, Prince, Knightly, Page and weirdly Chamberlain. Maybe it has something to do with how the fate of the world is decided by a bunch of bumblers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so basically a mocking of

Yeah I think the endings are actually really interesting and really clever in the way they make the audience kind of complicit in the characters bad choices. They just balance the characters so perfectly that even when acting badly it's pretty understandable why they're acting like that.

My favourite thing about that is that I think we did meet the mean Alan Roche earlier in the series. I think it's him who catcalls Martin when he's wearing makeup. He's a very cruel person.
E.T.A Actually I just started to rewatch the first episode and the Alan/Martin scene is the child version of the Jerry Bonner/

Tom and Lorenzo have gone fucking crazy, and I love it!

Speaking of I.T crowd gifs, for ages I've wanted the cutaway where Jen's chain smoking in her dingy sitting room with a couple of cans and Eastenders. It'd be the most useful gif ever and it would commemorate the most realistic scene in the show. Has anybody seen it?

Is this a typo, freudian slip or intentional; "his wife will just have to leave with the decisions he makes." Not being snarky, just interested.

And Valentine's Day ritualizes the connection between affection and candy so girls can learn the ropes of prostitution.

Sadly, I'm going to have to return the prize for saying it was a SCDP mug. I had the smug smirk down pat and everything

Do you mean what would they have done if hershey had gone with Don's pitch/ therapy session? They'd probably still fire him or gradually weaken his role in the agency.

Even more symbolism is that he's hiding some of his drinking in a SCDP mug. Do I get a prize?

Well said. Off topic but everytime I see your username i mistake it for vicksisamonster and I wonder why your comment is so lucid.

"It's 1968! Surely you're not telling me that there's still some international oceanic limbo where murder is smiled upon" made me think of Archer. Pete can be so cutting and funny when he's in outrage mode.

I haven't read the comments so I'm sure that lots of people have already said this: that Hershey pitch was beautiful. Specifically "If I had my way you would never advertise, you shouldn't have someone like me telling that boy what a Hershey bar is. He already knows."

Yes, I was worried it was gonna turn into a heartbreaking Duck Philips situation, we'd either never find out or it would be revealed that Hannibal adopted them from the pound,cooked them and served them to Will in a care package. That bastard.

He should probably get rid of that mattress too, that thing has got to be soaked through at this stage. I wonder if any agent there was like "he wets the bed like a serial killer! J'accuse!"