
I'm also really sad about this. Why is Fuller doing this? While it's cool to have these little easter eggs for his fans, its actually kinda sadistic when it plays out like this.

I'm convinced it's that wig. Put yourself in his shoes, if you felt your wig was slowly slipping onto your face you'd become stilted and everything about you would slow down so it'd look like you were reading off a cue card.
So, really the C.W should just spring for a better one.

Ooh, good catch!

Mindy practically sticking her head through that tiny window was just a nice piece of physical comedy, its so belligerent and invasive. The whole thing reminded me of that hot dog guy who follows Homer everywhere despite Marge's protests "Lady, he's putting my kids through college".

I can't remember that episode too clearly but if it was just  the photic blast I imagine she would have survived with powers heightened. The worst that would have happened to her is an even shorter memory span which would still be pretty shit for her.
I hope Erin Way gets a full time gig in something soon, her,

So I guess the male Glühenwolk just doesn't understand what the buttons on his shirt are for, also in one scene he seemed to have some bizarre tanlines going on.
Why would Kat be involved with this douchebag?

She was only lured onto the show with the promise of a lifetime supply of toe-ast.

Aye, but mostly because I hope his mum would be the first commenter on all his articles

It felt like a callback to the mushroom corpse that grabs Will's wrist, there it was an hallucination that is actually real here its the other way around. I haven't read the books, does the paranormal/spiritual make an appearance in them?

Get out of my head dude! Who are you? Some empath boy genius that solves crime? Seriously though, I thought I was gonna get mocked for bringing that up, like I had missed some evidence from earlier in the episode.

So I'm confused about Will's hallucination in the barn, he hallucinates the same head burning visual as the Angelmaker even though he doesn't know that the Angelmaker sees his victims as fire demons. I understand they did that so you might believe it was from the P.O.V of the killer and extend the whole dreamy tone of

I was wondering about the security guard and whether it's supposed to mean Hannibal had helped him or whether Hannibal just takes some inspiration from him later? It doesn't make any sense that he was able to rig himself up like that, however I'd prefer not to watch a show where Hannibal is able to materialise

I did! But probably because I watched Silence last week, so I could look out for any hints in Hannibal. It'd probably have been too on the nose if they would have referred to him as a great, big fat person but it would have fit in to all their other discussions about him

Eva's father mentions that she was just moving on with her life after what sounds like a deep depression, so I think it goes beyond not wanting anyone to see the video to not wanting her to know that once again she has been violated. So when it comes to the media (who I agree wouldn't show a frame), its about trying

Oh thanks for the link. I see what they mean. His introduction has been a bit abrupt and maybe his entire character will just serve to be a foil/mirror for a more established character like Pete or Ken. But they have two seasons to flesh him and Ginsberg out, and make them more than new New Don and New Pete.

@avclub-c30b17b451a2d904d45a4c895dbd4a62:disqus I'm pretty sure she's still reviewing stuff. I like the cartoon reviews but I love her coverage of terrible lady centric films Like Kate and Leopold or Return to Me (shudder). Plus her Malkovich as an Olive Garden customer always makes me laugh.

Have you read The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson? It's really interesting and funny, and has a chapter or two on sociopaths in finance.

Can I ask what Sopranos trope? Also I don't really get why everyone is so riled up about him, he's a new character and he's had like ten minutes of screentime, why would we understand the point of him so quickly? Personally he kinda reminds me of younger Don, the irritatingly persistent climber who tricks a job out of

If they do suspect a second person assisting in the kills, surely the F.B.I would be trawling through his phone records and note the call from the admin office to his house? But this show is so good that I'm willing to suspend my disbelief

She actually does look a lot like Jodie Foster, that same kind of frail look to her face.