
I'm once again going to express my disbelief that people on the Internet don't want to see reviews of things generally considered crap.

The thing is, literally everything requires some level of faith.

See, I think the original cartoon was a cut above other animated kids' series at the time, and helped paved the way for other self-aware superheroes that delivered action without taking themselves too seriously.

Frankly, I think the ending's much more powerful if it's a random person; tying it in wouldn't make the world deeper, it'd make it shallower, a la the Star Wars prequels.

Wow.  I'm exactly the same way, down to "if hanging out with 2 of my friends is good, then 12 would be better!"

alurin, where's 6 in that list?

Didn't "Waters of Mars" imply that it was the Ice Warriors who had locked it away in the first place?

Maybe I'm biased by the fact that we had The Great Muppet Caper taped off TV and I watched it a b'jillion times.

Really?  I'd figure that the movies are about as well-known as the show, and possibly moreso.

Well, second to Arm-Fall-Off Boy.

You know, reading this thread, it seems like people are dismissing the possibility that this might not be a Planet of Hats with the idea that Star Trek *only* does Planets of Hats - as if there's no possibility that the writers would've intentionally done something different to buck the trend.

…aren't the "conduct everyday business" people the greedy, money-hungry ones in Hollywood? (Generally.) I'm honestly not sure who the sword-wielders are in this metaphor…

"For example, 100 years ago American regional dialects were much more diverse."

29; heard of it enough to think that "Secret" is a bit much, but never seen it.

I'm going to bring up the little-known Cavalcade as a contender for worst, simply because all the others at least work on a basic storytelling level.  This seemed to have been made by people who didn't know how movies worked.

The thing is, to me, that sentence translates as "Don't have fun."

Well, he doesn't have to be *right* for the line to work.

Never, ever understood the Jewish thing.  Definitely caricatures of greedy traders in general, which is a thing that spans cultures and time.

…yeah, writing new stories about century-old public domain characters in a new context is a wee bit different than writing a prequel to a self-contained work where the original writer is pointing out what a stupid idea it is.

Personally, I've always liked the "evil leaper" concept.