
I'd say, Richelieu, that it's a fairly universal part of the human experience, and an excellent thing to be aware of.

John DeLancie plays a very Q-like chaos being in the first two episodes of the second season.

Honestly, I've never seen it.  They don't act like a Jewish stereotype except for the "really greedy" thing and having an odd-looking nose.  The former is a standard of stereotyping, not unique to anti-Semitism, and for the latter… I could see it if it was a long nose, or a hooked nose, but I don't think "has ridges

*chooses a golden chalice, melts into a skeleton*

"…anyone who makes art should be able to make art without any other source of income. ""Of course, no one (here, anyhow) is suggesting that."…I sure as hell am.

Honestly, back when TNG was airing, I always thought of them as Japanese, because the '80s-early-'90s Hollywood version of Japan involved them constantly blathering about honor.

Honestly, Move Along Home has one of the best resolutions.  Of course it's not going to kill them, it's just a game!

You know, I'm confused whenever I see a comment like this.  Don't we *like* watching people make fun of crap?  I-isn't that, like, at least three quarters of the purpose of the AV Club?

IMHO, Number of the Beast was *excellent*.  Really, required reading for anyone who's doing an inter-universe crossover.

Mrs. Peel: That was Q-Squared, which, I agree, is another excellent one.

Well-said, Buckaroo. Well-said.

My personal favorite: How Much For Just The Planet.

To be fair, it has some flaws that TNG avoided.

I would totally be into a Voyager one, if he can get through it.  Critiquing stuff that doesn't go well, especially from the perspective of knowing how similar stuff did, can be very valuable.

Huh.  I completely love the Nostalgia Critic and his fellow reviewers, including and especially when they move away from pure reviewing.  The Moulin Rouge musical was a treat (though not as good as the Brows Held High muscial review of The Man Who Fell To Earth, done entirely as a series of Bowie parodies).

Obviously, they'd just whip some up on their pottery wheels.

…because… opinions need proof?

You know, I'm not sure how to admit that I *had* to click that link to see if it was a real site.  I mean, not my kink, but c'mon!

Yes.  It is the best thing ever and I don't know why they haven't made a shit-ton of adaptations.

For me, the worst part of the Nazi Planet was Spock saying that Nazi Germany was "efficient".