Gleeth Yurnix

What about stopping alt-right psychos from shooting up churches or pizza places? I haven't seen this show since season 1, but there's something to be said about acknowledging the danger of home-grown terrorists as something of an equal threat to the ISIS variety.

Whatever comes next has already come next, as Choctaw is now pretty much wearing his producer shoes on a full-time basis (as opposed to the occasional, emmy-winning ep of B2F). Good for him, and here's hoping he does at least 10 more years of the CBB podcast, because that shit has become my fix on Monday (and

I kinda don't get this. Donating under the name "Bizarro Pence" or "Pence Sucks" or something like that makes some sense, but using his real name has the potential to make it look like that homophobic dickstretcher actually made the contributions himself. Like, I really doubt it makes him mad to learn that people are

True, but I don't know that they were such a great fit for GoT. I think Westeros beers should be English-style ales, not Belgian style.

Singapore and the absolutely wonderful Kuala Lumpur lose points because of their draconian drug laws, but good call on Berlin. What an amazing, diverse, vibrant, flat-out fun place. And not as prohibitively, ridiculously expensive as NYC or London.

Sorry doesn't cut it with this pope!

"and a lot of people will say that Trump is right" … it never fails to amaze me how many tens of thousands of likes his childish, inane tweets receive.

I haven't been able to normalize it, either. Even putting aside the racism, the sexism, the anti-immigration rhetoric — which we should absolutely not do — the fact remains that a petulant, whiny primadonna silver-spoon reality TV show host who's also a notorious huckster and failed businessman with no experience

I very much admire your comment but would quibble about one point, namely the use of the word "happily" in your final sentence. None of the trump supporters I know are happy; they're sullen and bitter and small hearted. And not bitter in a philosophically cynical kind of way, stemming from, say, a contemplation of the

They both seem to revel in saying crazy dumb offensive shit on a regular basis … and they're mostly rewarded for it. I mean, Kanye has legitimate talent, whereas Trump is just a whiny rich kid cipher, but still, they seem more or less cut from the same cloth.

They said reality TV was harmless fun. They said you were just being a snob if you spoke out against it. Well, this is what you get.

Eh, call me when they make Piper Downe

Well, it is Sweden right before the winter solstice … I'd love to go, personally, but I can kinda see why a ridiculously rich 75-year-old dude who lives in Malibu may not want to.

Tidal … so this is why I still can't buy a downloadable version of Kanye's latest album on amazon, right? Eh, it's probably for the better.

It hasn't even been a week! What? No, these aren't gray hairs, I used to be blond when I was a kid and it's probably just coming back.

And then 8 years later we'll be all like, "aw man, can we get Moloch back? I hated him at the time, but he's better than Zhaxmrt, Eater of Souls"

Good call. Looking back at my post I see that "around" could be interpreted as proposing a movement that puts them at its center, which is 100% not what I meant. I meant we should deliberately exclude them and their racist/sexist hatred (or tacit support thereof), and hopefully people understood what I meant. Thanks

Well, but federal law is still strongly against it — in the face of widespread calls to the contrary, for example, the feds recently upheld marijuana's classification as a Schedule 1 drug, leaving it in the same category as heroin. And as successful as cannabis business has been so far, especially on the West Coast,

People weren't calling out Trump supporters for their appearance. They were calling them out for their words and actions.

But you're comparing the end of Hitler's political career to the beginning of Trump's. If you look at Mein Kaumpf-era Hitler — the stuff he said on his rise to power — it lines up pretty well with what Trump's been saying during his own rise to power.