Gleeth Yurnix

Cruz?? Isn't he 100% in line with the Breitbart mentality — moreso than Trump, even?

I guess there's a certain desperation for high-tech jobs driving that? I spent a few weeks in Ireland and the UK last year and the differences between the two are striking — much of Ireland resembles an ex-communist state more than a Western European country. Not really their fault, as they were under England's iron

Well, sure, the work COULD easily be done by robots, but the point is that it won't — Trump promised to move society back a step so the factory workers could get their jobs back. It's not wise or efficient or fair to the rest of us (who actually went through the work and expense of getting a college education) — but

From what I've read, her campaign leaders failed to follow Bill's advice to campaign harder in rural and working-class areas, which could potentially have turned the thing around.

I mean, factory jobs could theoretically be brought back by eliminating NAFTA and similar trade agreements, and forcing automakers to keep manufacturing inside the US. But as automakers struggle to stay competitive in global markets, that will probably just mean the government will need to keep bailing them out. So,

Or "The Future" — too obvious?

Left-leaning politicians are, collectively, certainly not saints. But leftism inherently invokes fairness and truthfulness, whereas conservatives have absolutely no qualms about disregarding the truth to achieve short-term gains. And there's just no fair way to counter that without sinking to their level, which no one


Is Grammar an intellectual in real life? The fact that he's often assumed to be as smart as Frasier does prove that he has talent, but that doesn't necessarily make him an actual intellectual type, just a good actor.

Cornell's best song by a mile.

Better than Ezra.

It's a damn shame that his greatest role isn't even mentioned in this article. "Rome" is way underrated.

Goddam, 5 bucks?? Is this the gold-plated hardcover edition or something?

I wouldn't go quite that far, but I really don't get why everyone seems to hate him now.* His best SNL stuff had more than a little of the off-the-wall surrealism that Kaufman, CA, et al later cranked up to 11 on his eponymous show. And he always had great chemistry with Hartman, Hooks, Lovitz, and even Mike Myers

And if it really did happen, he was probably just upset because people were paying attention to their beers, instead of fawning over his lame attention-guzzling C-level celebrity ass.

Yeah, I love craft beers and frequent tap rooms and craft beer places where you can sample small amounts of a variety of styles. I mean, I do this a lot — and never have I seen people taking notes, or encountered any snobbery. 99% of the places go out of their way to ask you what you like without lecturing or

Me too! The Dark Phoenix saga was actually my first exposure to the X-Men as a kid, via the graphic novel that my dad bought for my brother and me. I've read much of Claremont's 80s run, but never in sequence, and never as a cumulative whole. I'm looking forward to doing so … eventually.

You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Great story, and no, I honestly don't think it's possible to actually do an actual full-on Marvel read. At least, not while maintaining a job, relationships, etc.

Right on. Of course HW was smarter and more competent than his dipshit son, but that's a really low bar to clear. And yes Desert Storm was executed efficiently in the short term, but in the long term it's been an absolute disaster that we're still dealing with. And by "we" I mean America, Europe, the Mideast, North