Gleeth Yurnix

He's an iconic actor, no doubt. But as a director, his films have been pretty mediocre; one might even be tempted to use the word "shmaltzy". And jumping at the chance to be a political stooge for the comically wrong-side-of-history early 2000s Republican party and then acting like a senile, grade-A doofus in front of

I don't think the MCU dropped her telepathic powers so much as made her unwilling to use them after the events of Age of Ultron. (I can also pretty easily imagine Cap forbidding/discouraging their use as a moral requisite for joining the Avengers.) Despite all the dissatisfaction fans seem to have with AoU, some of

You're entitled to your opinion of course, but this is what people have been saying every year since, oh, what season 6? Probably season 2, actually.

I know you're joking, but Isaac could totally pull that off.

Ted Cruz and Chris Christie, two wacky jagoffs who just happen to become unexpected roommates, coming tomorrow from univision

She was sort of a female Rick Jones when they first introduced her in the '60s — like, a civilian audience surrogate for the gals, or so it always seemed to me. Then a bunch of crazy shit happened to her that isn't all that far removed from all the convoluted craziness eventually foisted upon other legacy supporting

I dunno … Vitalogy and DotU were sort of departures, sure, but I hear much less distance between, say, Vs' Blood and Vitalogy's Spin the Black Circle — or Superunknown's The Day I Tried to Live and DotU's Pretty Noose — than anything on Purple compared to anything on Tiny Music.

Damn, that's true. And it's maybe why I was disappointed with Secret Wars, despite kinda liking it … I was expecting it to cap off the Cap vs Tony story, and then those guys weren't even in it and it was about FF and Doom instead. (Not to mention a character called Dr Strange who certainly was not really Dr Strange,

I doubt they'll Dexit. Denxit? Anyway, like Norway and Switzerland, Denmark seems to have found the balance between EU membership and economic obligation that works for them. They've also been taking border controls into their own hands for the past few years, which I guess is more a Schengen than an EU thing — saw

I didn't hate it — it was, actually, pretty much exactly what I was expecting it to be. The biggest problem I had with it was that it was often really boring. I would much rather see a condensed version than an expanded version. They can go ahead and cut out about 90% of that "gods on earth" voiceover bullshit, too.

Really sorry to hear about your Dad, bud. Best wishes.

Yep. It's how Silver Surfer wound up on that planet too. Fucking portals, man.

Hulk's ship got sucked into the portal that sporadically appeared above Sakaar and rained alien debris down upon the planet, which was also the source of most of the other species that made up his ragtag group of freedom fighters.

Like Pat Sajak doesn’t have like over a million friends probably. But then again, maybe he doesn’t. It’s difficult to say.

The actors in this movie couldn't sound any more like a list of non-union equivalents. Like, familiar at a glance, but then you realize, who the hell is David Morrissey? or Stephen Campbell Moore? or Laura Birn??

And "post modern" has even been a thing for like, what, 100 years now.

But Evans' Cap is a little goofy sometimes, deliberately so. My favorite example being how Paul Rudd fawns over him in Civil War.

He's got a bright future … as a drummer

It would pretty much have to be. Look, I realize at this point there's nothing new to be said regarding BvS criticism, and I hate to beat a dead horse here, but come on. You do NOT have Superman just stand there scowling at the camera while the goddam capitol building burns all around him. That's not Superman, not

That's not even true though. Universal was the most profitable studio last year, and basically just on the strength of a couple of legacy franchise installments.