Gleeth Yurnix

You know, I was thinking of redboxing this movie just out of curiosity, but after reading this comment, I don't think I even want to see it at all. And I have a pretty high tolerance for bad action movies.

The McPoyles as the Inhumans? Artemis as a particularly sarcastic Silver Surfer? The lawyer can be the Watcher, I guess. Or Galactus.

I like it! He's already grotesquely scarred, and his armor can be made of trash cans. Plus, no matter how hard he tries, he's never ever gonna come out on top.

Charlie is Mole Man. I think the lawyer guy could be Doom.

Isn't it set to premier right before the Infinity War movie? If they can shoehorn Black Panther, Ant-Man and Spider-Man into a Captain America movie — and do so with awesome results — I'm sure they can find room in Wakandaville for Adam Warlock, especially as this phase of the MCU builds to its Thanos-centric

Or when he turned the water into Mountain Dew Baja Blast

Actually I'd say Mac looks more like Submariner. Hell, now I want a Sunny Fantastic Four movie!

I mean, he's spot on in terms of age and physique, and I'm willing to bet he could pull off the seriousness/intellectual aspects, with some humor, too. Plus, let's face it, Reed Richards is kind of a self-absorbed butthead.

Call me a crazy, blathering idiot, but I think he'd be a great Reed Richards if Marvel gets FF back.

It would be great if he's being cast as Adam Warlock or someone like that. Though he's probably got too much charisma to be AW.

This could be the single that finally turns things around!

The writers are actively trolling the commenters now. We're through the looking glass here, people.

I get all that. I had a ton of student loan debt, too, and worked two jobs for many years. I don't think I or my generation is anything special, I'm just pointing out that there are other ways to finance an unpaid internship than being supported by your parents.

I know it's harder than it looks, but still, having to come up with one hour's worth of new material every year shouldn't really be too daunting a task for a professional comedian.

I remember when my small-town school finally got its first computer, and the only thing we used it for was playing Number Munchers and Oregon Trail.

During my unpaid internship in the '90s, I supported myself by working a 2nd job at a bar, same job I worked all throughout college. I think that route is open to today's generation, too.

It proves that Victor Von Doom has finally managed to pull off the ultimate win: He became the CEO of Marvel itself. Secret Wars, indeed.

I've just so often heard Perlmutter described as a tyrannic control freak who'll fire your ass at the drop of a hat. And hey, Marvel fans, the leader of our favorite entertainment company is also a major Trump supporter/donater

Doesn't Perlmutter call the shots on stuff like this?

Ok, now I want the movie to be about Black Widow hunting down the Punisher