Gleeth Yurnix

The question is whether Jesse finds out that Walt poisoned Brock (presumably finding out from Saul) and then tries to kill Walt himself as a result of this info. That would be too obvious right? But it would still be cool if Jesse tried to take out ol' WW hisself.

He's had nothing but breaks; he's been in a ton of movies in the past few years. I think Horrible Bosses was successful enough that he'll probably keep getting supporting roles for a while, if nothing else.

The AV Club
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Mark Wahlberg as a gun-toting tough guy? Now I've seen everything!

I would put Ubik on that list too but you've already read it. How did you like Crack in Space? I haven't read that one.

Be careful with that Valis trilogy; you're about to go pretty deep into Dick's head. I know a lot of people who were pretty put off by it — not so much Valis, but the two that follow it.

You know what, me too. One of the scenes popped into my head earlier today, and I read that fucker in the 90s. It seemed really lightweight at the time but parts of it have certainly stayed with me. Although they're generally the sex scenes.

He's a Coke guy.

And the Sopranos!

He really did. "It's hard work!"

Pretty sure she's really into Michael Moorcock. At least, she's always asking for him.

One of the unexpected bonuses of finally getting a smart phone a few months ago: Kindle app! Free public domain books! Something to read on the can at work!

There are plenty of bums in seats at the local $2 second-run theater. Also, teenagers looking for somewhere to make out.

Yeah, so the guys who made "Indiana Jones Meets the Crystal Skull Aliens" are complaining how hard it is to get financing for quality, non-franchise movies. I mean, what? Shouldn't our reaction be simply laughing? And perhaps finding them and beating them up?

Well, I mean, it was okay, but was it self-contained enough? I mean, did you ever once find yourself thinking, "This movie is great — AND self contained!" No? Well, there you go.

A good intro to Bamford is the Comedy Death Ray double album from a few years ago, featuring great sets from a lot of comedy's brightest starts. She's got a 15-minute segment on that that just kills, and is a great encapsulation of her style and ability. Andy Daly's set on that one is another all-time classic.

I just re-watched Supes Returns last night and maaan, Routh really is a terrible Superman. I was expecting to walk away with a better impression, because I've seen him in other stuff since then and thought he did a pretty good job, but nope. Utterly bland and dramatically weightless. And Kate whatserface is an even

Ummmmmmm …. yeah

I wonder how much Hickman is even writing Avengers lately. There's been a co-writer for the past few issues; I'm guessing Hicksy's probably focusing on the larger Infinity thing at the moment and just setting up plot points for Avengers.

You guys ever wonder what it would be like if Rooster Cogburn had lived in 1990s Los Angeles and had a fondness for drinking white russians and smokin' jays? I daresay that would mellow him out a bit!