the dread simoon

ugh , I'm gonna have to go back and start again with the leftovers (I gave up mid season 2) , I can't resist a unanimously high opinion on a finale.

That show is stuffed with incredible performances , Mr Mckean is amazing though , just flawless work.

"the sacred Last Supper of hawkish neoliberalism". Nicely put , I wish I could write good like that.

Really impressed with Marc Maron here -
do any WTF fans know of a particular ep that he goes into depth on GLOW?

I love it when the tabloids get it wrong. Seems like years now of front page smear campaigns against Jeremy Corbin and it didn't fucking work!

And before that : "You know , some people say global warming is a hoax perpestrated by the Chinese , but I say , show me the receips!"

Clearly you haven't seen Yoga Hosers , 2 strong female leads (I think , I haven't seen it either , nor will I ever.)

I wouldn't mind an edited version of Funny people , just cut out the offensive scenes with Mr Apatow's family where the movie grinds to a halt.

I love that we get confirmation that Artie does indeed biddy-biddy-bum all day long.
I love that Kimmy leaves College with her faith in the Columbia house tapes undiminished.
The season overall I liked a lot. I'd like more Xan and Andrea next season though.
Xan in particular has been great , she had some funny lines and

Well I enjoyed the Rockettes , a little something for Daddy.

Yeah I'm a little concerned about this season. I'm sensing a lot of running through woods and dingy prison cells , dirty operating rooms. They better stick the landing if it's gonna be a grind to get there.

It says something about this golden age of tv that we can take an Americans reference for granted.

I believe it was Rachel's crutch. They sold it as well as they could but I didn't buy Rachel beating Sarah , even with the drop.

I always talk way too much on speed.

I'm really hoping for a somewhat happy ending.
Poor Sarah , the thing in her face was the last straw for me
and I'm not looking forward to a season of Rachel torturing her.

I'm a huge fan of Tat's work on OB like everyone else and I hope her next projects are great . I'm slightly concerned they won't be though , I've struggled through a few of her movies and they're not my thing at all.

I think Jacqueline has value but her story needs to mesh back with Kimmy's somehow to justify her continued presence.

But what about the Rural Juror interview? that was comedy gold!

All those broadway legends and Will Forte probably got the best singing parts!

I didn't get that joke. Death like la petite mort?