the dread simoon

I'm sure there was some good stuff too in Xmen3 but I can't remember any of it.

I dunno , I figured Danny had some measure of control over the magnitude of the Iron Fist power , maybe he was gonna love-tap her with it , rather than the haymaker he delivered to Luke?

I liked her performance , calm regal and ruthless. It shows what an A-list actor can do with utterly mediocre material.

I have no idea what the black sky character is. There was an early scene where Sigourney Weaver tells of her death and the terrifying post-life empty void or black sky. Maybe the character is the living embodiment of death or oblivion or something?

Thats sounds good , I like any plot that gets the supporting cast to stfu. Sidekicks are supposed to be on the same side as the hero!

The last one was weird. It's like they finished the movie then realised it was shit so they added a few minutes of awesome action right at the end.

I found Ms Watson's Belle to be a bit mopey and autotuned
but I was so taken with the songs it led me down an illuminating lengthy internet rabbit hole , learning about the Disney Renaissance
and the genius of Howard Ashman (RIP) and Alan Menken
so I'm grateful for that.

Lizzie Moss as Clarice!

My phone knows where my car is parked? Jesus. I wonder if , when our cars are self driving , you'll be able to call up your car wherever it's parked to come pick you up?

One of my favourite podcast eps was the Rocky IV ep of "We hate movies" where the poor robot and Paulie (described as the Ugliest American ever depicted on screen) are hilariously decimated. http://www.whmpodcast.com/2…

I thought Maron was terrific ,
definitely a role within his wheelhouse
but you can tell he took it seriously and committed.

Doh! that was pretty obvious I guess. Shouldn't post stoned.

Being in the UK I had never heard of Fieri , I stumbled across DDD a while back and thought it was amazing. I wish we had Diners like that over here , places that actually smoke their own meat , make their own sausage and take pride in offering the tastiest junk food and in such huge mouthwatering quantities. I had to

is there an advantage to USB over AUX or BT?

and imagine what happens when the full force of the Disney marketing empire starts to push this. If they really manage to get all their content (and that has to include marvel and star wars) available at the same time on their new service it'll be a huge hit. Without marvel and star wars it looks a lot shakier.

Perhaps they'd help with the heavy lifting at his wookshop!

I daresay the d-bags you mention have a more robust cyber-security system in place , I believe it was outsourced to Russia.

Anyone else love her movie "Smiley face"? The best stoner movie ever IMHO and very underrated.

Schadenfreude is the greatest German thing apart from these delicious garlic mushrooms they sell on the street during Oktoberfest. They're cooked in these huge cauldrons and you can smell them a mile away (heavenly) . They're served in little paper cups with a fork and I've often thought about going back there just to