Stupid Brain

So, Pawn Stars 2, then?

* obligatory Like *

I did the same thing. Yeah, it's tough to be cool after you get older than Jesus.

Keep in mind he's playing a right-hand guitar upside down because he was a lefty.

Speaking of 'Rainbow Bridge' - yes, truly a garbage heap, except for his performances on stage, which were nice. But seeing him in some drugged out, shell of his former self state was hard to watch. Movei should not have been made.

Fat Roger and Fat Klaus was my favorite part. I laughed my beanbags off.

You just have to be vewwy vewwy quiet.

I am going to stream this from iTunes directly to my Trash folder. It'll save some time.

Its like we be jammin' floTENT on yo MomTENT for the gubberMENT… oops.. I suck at this.

God I loved that pussy.


Inflation, I suppose..

Where's the hidden track? I've been up for 72 hours looking…

Lumpkin blows horses

Your comment is tedious and unimaginative. Now, MY comment, on the other hand, is cutting edge and produced by Trent Reznor.

I shit all over my own art.

I agree, I think it's just as good as Funeral or Suburbs, better than Neon Bible.

Which part? His peepee?

The one where Charlie Brown is eaten by zombies? yep.