Stupid Brain

How about Juliet and Romeo? Amirite?

Sports media is about as hip on new things as Bob Dole is.

Yeah I put on my old Candlebox cd a few days ago and it just didn't have the same effect on me that it did in 1995…

Yeah it did tank, no one saw it probably because critics didn't get that Murrray wasn't trying to be funny. And I don't think the general audience was ready for it either. But I think it was an early sign of things to come in his career. Man I also just thought of 'Scrooged' - he had a tragi-comic role in that one.

I shall purchase it posthaste.

Did you try wiping the screen with a moist towelette?

Frank The Tank, anyone?

I shit all over my almanac.

Windows8 was seriously unwelcome to this long time MS victim.

I figured Low End Theory couldn't be topped so I never got Marauders.

"The Razor's Edge" (1984) - that's really when Mr. Murray started his foray into serious acting. Great, underrated movie.

Damn, 4 stars on Amazon. Maybe Biscuit Head was the best song…

And how about that Staley guy from Alice in Chains? Haven't heard anything new in ages.

I loved Concrete Blonde. "Haunted Head" was a killer song.

I hated the acoustic version with a passion.

Garrr! We've been horn-swaggled!

I liked the hell out of the Spin Doctors, until their followup to PFOK, which totally sucked balls.

I think there is a new rule that says no more damn Black Eyed Peas. Ever.

I got a groin injury from laughter… and yet, they say it's the best medicine.

Sorry, I've been kind of busy. I should have them by the end of business today.