Stupid Brain

I am setting my beard on fire as I type this! Woohoo!

I am a MoM-skipper as well.

Freaked me out too.

Yeah that was creepy also all the scenes on the videotape which were scary weird.

Ouch.. that was one tough daycare.. Yeah that scene sticks with you.

There is nothing like a good whale unit to make it a good school year.


You didn't like Suburbs? Blaspheme! Be gone with ye!

It sounds almost like gibberish!

Poltergeist - when the paranormal research guy is in the bathroom washing his face. You know the one.

When Richard Pryor catches fire?

The ending was pretty nasty weird too. Not a movie you want to re-watch real soon but it leaves you with so many mysteries, you kind of want to.

The whole movie Lost Highway totally freaked my soul out for a few hours.

In Living Color was a fluke, I'm beginning to think.

George Bush hates black people. Zing!

What, no mention of 'Neon Bible'?
(Just klidding, it should not be mentioned.)

And their Revenge will be sweet.

Zombies can eat me.

Mutual! I love Ram as well. Actually that wasn't really a Wings album though. Strangely, I'ver never heard his first one. That's your favorite?

The artist's wife, Eleanor Butt, married Edvard, but kept her maiden name, which she turned into the hyphenated name, Mrs. Eleanor Butt-Munch.