Stupid Brain

Same to you, sir. Yes I think it's the best Wings album.

Forgot about that one.. OK also The Thing…but those are the only exceptions.

No.. Please God, no…

Yeah, 'Let Me Roll It' gets the big MEH from me. Never was too fond of it, although it's ok. Lots better songs on the album.

Movies should not be remade. That is all.

I used to want to be McCartney's beard.

Whatever happened to Potsie and Ralph Malph?  Did they ever get married?

Sawing logs, or shitting logs?  Because the other would be more punishing.

Please watch your fucking language.  Good DAY sir!  Oops.  M'am.

I would defeinitely expand it to the GOP Republican House, at least. It's like Jonestown 1978 over there.

I meant 'iPod'.   Dammit brain.

Miley's controversial incident involved her ass and an oversized foam finger.  Quite a bit different than Sinead's incident.  Unless you have a pope fetish.

As long as it's posted on YouTube.

I call my left hand "Amanda Palmer".

Let's get paid? How about Let's Get Laid, huh bro's?  Amirite?

I recommend seeing it and playing 'Dark Side of the Moon' on your iPad.  Make sure you start it after Bullock's third piercing scream.

My brand smells like peppermint sticks and cinnamon, with a hint of feces.

Dukes of hazard.

I get him confused with Steve Martin.

I love saying 'Oderus Urungus'.